Chapter 40. Oh Baby. . .wouldn't you like to know.

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 In an instant, Sammie's hand flew up to try and shut the door, but Mike was faster, putting his hand up flat on the doors surface holding it open.

"Oh no, you don't!" he whispered hissing and took a step forward making Sammie back her way into the room,"You are NOT shutting that door in my face."

As he was fully inside, he slammed the door shut with his foot, then he locked it, his blue eyes still glued on Sammie.

"Mike," she whispered stepping backwards slowly,"How?" she swallowed nervously," What are you doing here?"

He kept stalking after her, not saying anything, taking as slow steps as she did, making her back into the wall behind her. A knowing grin spread in his face and he winked at her as he trapped her, his hands and arms caging her in.

"Deja vu. . again, Sammie," he mumbled as he closed in on her slowly.

Sammie inhaled sharply and her eyes almost bulged as she felt that familiar feeling emerge in her body. The feeling of want and desire.

"You can not be here. Soon there will be lots of people in this room," she panted nervously and gazed into the abyss of his eyes.

Mike smiled enigmatic at her as he trailed his finger softly along her bottom lip. Sammie couldn't help but to bite her lip as he did that.

"I don't think so," Mike murmured, his eyes sparkling with delight,"The only people who will be in this room today are you and me, baby."

Sammie stared with wide eyes at him. Then it slowly sank in, that she had been set up. . . by both Andrew AND his mother. She closed her eyes, sighing.

"How did you find me? How come you knew I was here? Andrew?"

Mike leaned in, coming so close their lips almost brushed against each other. He grinned slyly as he saw her lips tremble, because he knew that it was from desire and passion. He could see it in her eyes.

"I got a call. . ." he softly nibbled her bottom lip, tasting her. A low groan formed inside of him as the taste of her made his inside go wild on him. And unable to stop himself now, he cupped her chin in a swift move and attacked her, planting a raw and passionate wet kiss on her inviting and lush lips.

Sammie groaned into his mouth as the kiss totally fired her up, making her all wet and ready for him. Her hands slowly reached around him and searched their way in under his shirt, caressing his muscular back. She did not give a fuck about holding back now, because she had longed for him for much too long, so she could not simply help herself. She wanted him so badly, and all of those emotions and feelings she had successfully suppressed all of this time, unfurled inside of her and bloomed in all of its glory.

The kiss became forceful, long, hard and passionate, it lingered and became even more passionate as Mike almost consumed her totally. Finally out of breath Sammie pushed back, holding her hands up on his chest to try and get some space between them.

"Oh Mike" she gasped and looked him in the eyes, she wanted answers, she needed answers."Why are you here?"

Mike looked back in her provocative eyes and grinned with satisfaction.

"Have you not figured that out yet? Oh baby, You have been constantly on my mind this last year and you can not even begin to imagine how much I have wanted to do this again." he said and pulled her tighter again and kissed her more passionately and more intensely than ever before.

Sammie could not believe how unbelievably good it felt to be in his arms once again, how unbelievable he felt, his arms, his whole body was so muscular, hard and strong, just like she remembered, yet he had the most gentlest touch.

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