Chapter 28. Deep breath for bravery.

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Sam peered out the window. Yet another bus. Yet another endless highway.

But this time the rain did not pour down in buckets and, she had someone very special sitting next to her.

Glancing to her side she saw the perfect profile of Mike 'the Snake' Aaron, and he was sleeping peacefully, snoring just a little, enough to make her lips twitch into a small smile.

It had been awfully hard to stay mad at him, even though she had tried her absolute best. So, the first hour of the trip they had first talked, then it had turned into cuddling and then into kissing, calling a truce.

To be honest, Sam had forgotten what they had been arguing about, but she would never allow herself to admit that to Mike, no way.

Sam peered back in the bus.

Two rows back,'Smut' and Squid sat talking. To Sam's awe, both of them were sober. Further on down the aisle of the bus, Speed and a lady friend, whom they had picked up about an hour ago, sat socializing in a pretty heavy way.

Sam rolled her eyes at the spectacle and smiled softly as she leaned back in her seat.

The rabble, the motley crew.

Guys that she had come to like, and cared for, so much in the last month. She saw all of them in a different light now, than she had done before. She liked them all, sort of, with the exception of Squid then maybe, and she knew the feeling was mutual, so she couldn't care less.

But Mike...oh, Mike.

He made her feel so alive and...happy. Too much really, for it to be good, or true.

She swallowed and stared straight ahead. Maybe it's just a dream, Sam?

Rusty maneuvered the tour-bus with steady hands and he every now and then glanced back at her, nodding and getting a nod back, just for the comfort to know that she was okay.

She was okay.

Anyway she tried to tell herself that, over and over again in her head.

Something though was nagging at her.

Way down in the back of the bus, many rows further down, she had seen a new face among the closest crew, a blond guy in his mid twenties. Why on earth hiring a new crew-member now? Nobody was ill or anything. Everyone was counted for. And in the middle of their tour, so to speak. She counted Wacken into it. He knew nothing of their routines and tour schedule. So why?

Sam shook her head a little and sighed.

She just wanted to rest a little before they got up to Buffalo, and she estimated it to be at least 3 hours more before they got there. Glancing to her side again she smiled as she saw the relaxed face of a sleeping Mike Aaron. God, he is so very gorgeous. And during two nights, you, Samantha Travis, and him made passionate love enough to last a lifetime.

She smiled as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes, and just the thought of their passionate and steamy lovemaking made her inside go wild on her yet again, making her underwear go all damp... Drat!

~ ~ ~ ~

Rusty parked the bus down in the underground garage of the hotel that they were staying at, The Hampton Inn, and everybody departed from the bus in various none too gracious ways.

In the elevator up to the reception, Mike took Sams hand and pulled her into his embrace. Snaking his strong arms around her, he buried his face in her neck and breathed in her scent, not bothered at all by his band mates around him.

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