Chapter 30. Cuddling women left to right!

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Why, oh why had she allowed herself to let her emotions and inner feelings resurface once again, after having them stowed away safely so many years? Why?

Had she not learned anything since last time? Since all the times? The pain? The humiliation? The suffering?

*She looked down on the cake with the chocolate frosting and decoration, counting the candles in her head. Eighteen. She took a deep breath, then she blew them out, all of them. Looking up again to the sound of applause, she grinned widely at all her friends that had gathered. Her boyfriend since four months back stood in the back with a gleam in his eyes, smiling at her. She felt happy.

Boy, was she in for a cold shower or what?

Several hours later the music was pumping through the sound-system and the alcohol was flowing freely. She had been dancing with almost all of the guys at the party except her own boyfriend Dean, so she was on a mission to find him to get a dance from him too.

Feeling the beer and some tequila finally kick into her system, she made the stairs without any accident happening, then she walked cautiously and extra slow through the hallway upstairs, peeking into all the rooms. No Dean.

As she stood in one of the rooms, she glanced through the window to the outside. It was total darkness outside. That's why she saw it.

There was a diminutive light coming from the garage, not the usual lamplight, but a tiny one as from a candle. Sam frowned and leaned her head questioning to the side. Who the hell was out there?

Feeling a bit unsteady on her legs she started to walk back down the stairs, and glancing around the living room on all the people there, she could check off that too on her list of places where Dean wasn't present.

Opening the front door, she silently went outside and started to head towards the garage.

Outside in the clear cool air, she did not feel as inebriated as she had done just a few moments ago and she turned her face up to the sky to admire the stars for a second. She never got tired of looking at the stars.

Oh, please. . .fast forward!

As she got closer to the garage she could hear some muffled sounds she had trouble pointing out. Somebody talking?

Standing right outside the door, she could hear it more clearly. There was not so much talk. Just moans. . . loud moans.

And knowing before she actually saw it, she felt her heart break into pieces and take a head dive into the abyss of physical and mental pain.

Opening the door silently and slowly, the sight of Dean and her best friend came into view in the dim candle light. Sam stood as frozen, watching as her boyfriend Dean, again and again slammed into her friend, making her moan loudly as he fucked the shit out of her.

It was like she wasn't there at all. They were all over each other, oblivious to the world around them.

Sam just wanted to die.

Just as silent as she opened the door, just as silent she closed it. She started to walk back to the house.

Gee. . . what a great birthday party! *

Sam glanced out through the windows of the bus. The memories from her 18th birthday was still very painful to think about. The betrayal at that time had been twice as painful, as she had felt stabbed in the back by her best friend from many years back. As she thought more about it, loosing her friendship and realizing what a complete slut and bitch her friend really had been, was harder on her than loosing Dean.

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