Chapter 24. A totally fûcked up joke!

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Two hours later Sam  felt a little bit tired and bored as she sat by a small table in the studio with a hot cup of coffee in front of her. Her weary eyes swept the studio, studied all the technology and everybody, famous or not, in it. Her patience had also been tried since the very first minute she had stepped inside the studio and laid her eyes on that woman Nicole.

At every opportunity the vixen from Hollywood had been given, she somehow managed to end up hugging or caressing Mike, smile at him and boost his male ego the best she could, while the excessively happy photographer was taking photos of them from any angle possible.

Sam was fed up with it. Or more accurate, she was more or less fuming with jealousy, her eyes turning dark as she stirred her cup of coffee.  Just to squeeze  a little around her neck...

AND, she utterly hated herself for having those feelings. She of course did not want to acknowledge them at all.  Ding, ding, ding, wake up Sammie!

Then, when raising her gaze to see Nicole for the umpteenth time lean against Mike and whisper something in his ear, and it looked like he actually enjoyed it, Sam finally had it. Gah!

Slowly and without a sound, so that no one would notice, she stood up and shoved the chair under the table, then she walked silently out from the studio.

She had hoped that no one would see her, but out in the lobby she bumped into Marissa, the reception girl. She was a petite blond with a broad smile always pasted on her face, her nails were long and her hair was perfect and she was dressed in the latest fashion from the finest stores in town.

With a small shrug and a lame smile, Sam just told her she needed some air, then she grabbed her jacket by the hangers and walked out.

~ ~ ~

Sam was walking with no particular destination, her head bowed down and her lips pursed into a thin line. Damn that rat Mike Aaron!

She had to get Mike out of her head. She just had to. He was screwing her up big time.

When she had seen the look in Nicole's eyes, Sam knew that she was out to get Mike back. Who was she to even try and compete with a famous movie-star, and a beautiful one at that too.

She just knew she had no chance what so ever. Zero, zip! Hey, she had looked herself in the mirror too many times to know that.

Stopping by a cafe, she felt like to sit down for a while and feel sorry for herself, nobody else would do it for her, so what the heck, why not?

Opening the door, she was immediately swept away by the homely atmosphere and small town spirit that seemed to permeate the whole place, and she sat down by a corner table with just enough view through the window to the outside to please her. Small candles was placed on each and every one of the tables and the curtains by the windows were covered with patterns of big beautiful flowers. In one corner an old black piano stood more or less as props.

Ordering a sandwich and a cup of tea instead of a cup of coffee this time, she allowed herself to be engulfed by her own self-pitying thoughts.

Thinking about it she felt more or less totally flattened and numb.Why on earth had she fallen for Mike Aaron? She of all people knew better.

Still feeling the pain in her heart from being forced to see Nicole and Mike so close together, she had to accept that she was as far from their world as she could possibly get, and that Mike soon would realize what a big and utterly profound mistake he had made when he had tried to kiss his way into her bloomers.

There was no doubt in Sam's mind who Mike would chose. Even for her the choice was easy.

As minutes turned to hours, Sam eventually glanced at her wristwatch wondering. Were they done cuddling each other in front of the camera? Was the interview over? Had he taken her back to his apartment to continue with what he had been about to do with her?

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