Chapter 39. Partner in crime.

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Next morning Andrew picked up the note once again and looked at it. Then he folded it and put it back in his pocket. He raised his head and looked out through the doorway into the living room where Sammie now was giving Hannah Rose her breakfast. Could he really do this to Sammie? Could he really do this to himself?

Because he knew, that once Mike would appear in her life again, she would be lost to him.

Aww, Come on, he thought to himself. She was never yours to begin with anyway. So you can't lose someone you never had.

He stood up and walked out from the kitchen, heading for his bedroom to get more privacy.

"I'm just gonna take a shower." he mouthed to Sammie as he passed the living room.

She looked up and nodded smiling back to him.

First he made a call to his mother.

"Please do this for me, mom." he pleaded,"The moment you see my message you call here, okay, and then you say what I told you to say."

"What are you up to now, Andrew?" a voice scolded on the other line.

"Please Mom," he persisted.

A short silence appeared between them, then she answered.

"Okay Andrew. . .but just this time. And only because I adore Sammie and her little girl. She will wonder you know," she said leisurely.

"I know that she will. Thank you, mom," he said and then he ended the call.

He reached down his pocket for the note again and unfolded it. He was really gonna do this. He shook his head at his own stupid behavior.

He had never had trouble finding women, or dating women for that matter.

He knew his looks were good and that he was desirable to the opposite sex.

But not to the one he wanted. . .not to Sammie.

Desirable that is.

Because he knew that Sammie thought he was good looking. She had told him that on numerous occasions.

But it was getting easier, strangely enough, for each and every day, knowing that he would never have her the way he wanted to. He had to get over her, start to see her as a sister. Because she saw him as a brother.

He would do it, because he had to do it.

She loved Mike Aaron, and she loved him deeply.

He knew that he could never compete with that.

Dialing the number on the note, he waited for the signals. Four signals passed and he was about to end the call when he heard a muffled sound on the other line.

"Yeah," a drowsy voice mumbled, and some scuffled sounds could be heard in the background.

Andrew swallowed and cleared his voice, strangely enough he was completely calm.

"Hi, my name is Andrew. Am I talking to Mike Aaron?" his voice was low and steady, sounding almost demon-like to his own ears.

More scuffled sounds could be heard before the answer came.

"Yeah, Last time I checked I was him. And you are Andrew. . .who?"

"Hunt," Andrew said quickly and took a couple of hasty breaths.

"Hunt?" Mike mumbled on the other end, sounding wary.

He did not know any Andrew Hunt. He was pretty sure of that.

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