Chapter 2. Arriving

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The gates to the area were huge  and the bus rolled through them to the vast inside.

Sam opened one of her eyes, glaring a little tired outside.

The rain. It stopped. Maybe that was a good sign. All she could do was hope.

Night began to fall and the sky above them loured as Sam gathered her stuff, which in this case was just a small bag and a mp3 player, and then she stomped off the bus.

Behind her, the members of the band also exited the bus with different levels of success, depending on how much alcohol had been consumed, and last but not least, the two airhead bimbos came out.

With a huge sigh, Sam watched for a second as they both did their best to strut their stuff for the over-intoxicated band-members.

The bandmembers...yes. They were just four guys, but they managed to make noise like twenty when they were up on stage playing.

Mike 'the Snake' Aaron, front-man and lead singer. He was a good looking guy she had to admit reluctantly. He also played guitar.

Wesley 'Smut' Bender, bass-guitar player and a hopeless fulsome drinker and womanizer.

Rick 'Squid' Langly, drummer with a kick-ass attitude who always used to end up in a brawl of some kind, and then there was Tyler 'Speed' Dawn, lead-guitarist and second to Mike when it came to looks.

During this month on the road with these guys, she had not actually spoken to any of them yet. Not a worthwhile talk anyway, not even remote to it. It had just been 'hey you, get me a glass  of this or that  will ya', or 'have you done this?' or 'where are my pants? Have you seen them?'.

She started to pan the area outside the bus, and almost at once she located their accommodations. Meeting the glance from Rusty, she nodded in the direction where she spotted it. He gave her a thankful nod back and started to unpack some of the belongings of the band-members.

Why they always seemed to be drunk and lacking to be helpful, amazed her. She walked up to Rusty and gave him a hand.

She liked him, he was a good friend, and he was old, old enough to be her father. They had during this month developed a different kind of friendship, he was like a mentor to her. He had been around in this business for ages, driving all around the world with different bands.

He shrugged his shoulder as she walked up to him.

"I don't want you to do this too, they are just lazy idiots, not being able to carry their own shit around." he sighed as she reached in for a bag.

"No problem, Rusty " she told him and gave him a broad disarming smile as she put the bag down on the ground, "I'd say it's about fifty meters from here to there " she measured the distance with her eyes, "we will just put all of it here, then they can come and get it...when they have the time!"

He gave her a scowl, rubbing his jaw with his hand.

"But the weather?" he asked, gazing upwards, then down on the wet ground.

"I'm counting on it " Sam replied and started to walk towards 'the Squid', "just wait and see "

Another method that could have been tried, to make the band-members carry their own 'shit' as Rusty delicately had said, would have been to ask them nicely. That was, however, not the method Sam decided to take into action.

Thinking about it afterwards made her realize that her actions did not put her on top of their like-list, but really, who cared?

As she had her first real talk with one of the band-members, she, from the corner of her eye, watched him intently, waiting for his reaction. The alcohol level making the signal travel with the speed of a turtle, 'the Squid' first looked quite quizzical as he tried to sort out all what she had said, then when it finally hit and made an attempt to say hello to his brain, he exploded.

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