Chapter 23. God al'mighty, look at that body!

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As the suns rays peeked above the horizon, sending flashes of light through the window into the master bedroom, Sam woke up startled and sat bolt straight up in the bed. Where was she?

Gulping down what seemed to be a lump feeding on fear and her own bad self esteem, she moved to the edge of the bed, suddenly stopping and with alarm looking down on her own self. Oh, she was still in her clothes.


But then again, yuck.

She felt awful. Sleeping in her clothes the whole night. Oh god.

Then she looked around realizing...this wasn't where she'd been when she had fallen asleep. She'd been sitting on the couch. Now she was in a bed...a king sized bed, in a bedroom belonging to...Mike Aaron.

Oh god again.

Dragging herself off the bed, she tip-toed silently out from the room and into the living-room just to freeze completely at the sight of Mike Aaron, lying on the couch with nothing more than a towel wrapped around his waist.

It was like all blood drained from her face and upper-body and then centered in her womb, making her aware of the ache it created. With a flushed face she couldn't stop staring at his muscular body and handsome face, he really was that sexy beast he was made out to be by the press, she reluctantly admitted to herself. Crap!

Then she saw the small plaid laying on the floor. He must have tried to cover himself with it before falling asleep. The little devil inside of her told her she was lucky that it had fallen to the floor, making the eye-candy more available.

Blushing she pushed those thoughts away mentally, but she kept on staring at him like a starving person does on a table full of accessible food, not being able to look away.

Suddenly he moved and she blinked before she turned on her heel and fled back into the bedroom, closing the door a little too hard behind her, causing it to make a 'thud' noise as it closed.

Oh crap! That he must have heard. She face-palmed herself for being so smooth and smart. Gee, he was just moving for crying out loud, but now he must surely be awake and...

The door opened.

Sam was totally paralyzed, staring straight into the wall behind the head end of the bed, having not the slightest ounce of courage to turn her head towards the door.

"Good morning." she heard him walk into the room, and the next second he stood right beside her." Have you slept well?"

Oh my God! Sam's inside went all mush on her as she turned to stare at the vision of Mike Aaron in front of her, with just a towel draped round his waist. All she could do was nod.

God al'mighty, look at that body! Oh Samantha, don't do it, don't look, he does this on purpose. He wants you to drool over him, then he'll scorn you for me.

It was like she had two voices inside of her head telling her what to do and how to feel. The devil told her to enjoy what was displayed in front of her, but the saint told her to take it easy and not be fooled by the tempter in sight. She felt cut in half.

"Good," he said walking over to a closet, taking out a large towel,"If you wanna take a shower it's in there, " he pointed at a large wooden door,"I'm sorry, but I thought you might have a problem with me undressing you as you slept."

He gave her, what she thought was, a shy smile and a spontaneous wink with his eye as he watched her, then he handed her the towel.

"Thank you." Sam said polite with a tenuous voice, "I'd really like to take a shower."

Play me hard  (will be edited)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant