Chapter 12. Talk about bad timing!

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"How are you feeling?" It was not his question as much as his eyes, that made her shiver slightly as she sat herself up in the bed.

"Just a little headache " she blushed as she answered it, feeling his eyes burn at her skin.

Mike moved in his seat, making himself more comfortable, and by doing so he revealed through his partly opened shirt, a very muscular and breathtaking frame to Sam's ravenous and hungry eyes.

Damn that sexy bastard! He was probably doing so on purpose...just to make fun of her, to see how she reacted, and then he would mock her for it.

But the look and the hint of a smile she got from him, told her something completely different. She swore she could see some traces of remorse and, not as well hidden as he probably wanted it to be, desire...or was she just fooling herself?

"If you want to, you can just get back to sleep " he was literally pinning her with his gaze, " It's awfully late, and we'll be leaving early in the morning."

Sam gave him a 'what the hell are you talking about' look as she eased her way off the bed and over to the only window of her quarters.

"Sleep?" she gazed outside, consuming the backstage lot and the people in it, "Okay...and what are you going to do?"

Mike sat back observing her, seeing her posture being at the verge of the most defensive he'd ever seen.

"Stay with you of course " he said as a matter of fact.

Now that was frikkin' hilarious.

Sam burst out laughing as she stood by the window."You have to be kidding me?" she spat out, ignoring him totally, still looking through the window. Well, if he insisted of being such an idiot, thinking she would actually believe that, he deserved it.

"Why would I? " he was still eased back in the chair next to her bed, not moving an inch, and his arms were folded over his chest.

"I have NO idea why you would stay with me " Sam exclaimed and finally withdrew from the window to look at him.

"Oh come on...I mean, why would I be kiddin' you?" Mike suddenly pushed from his seat and rose silently to intercept her at the window.

Sam almost had a nervous breakdown as she saw him stand up and move towards her. She wasn't prepared for this.

Her inside fell apart at the speed of light as she stumbled backwards to the window, fumbling for her life to find something steady to hold on to.

With a wicked smirk, Mike moved in slowly, seeing her eyes widen with a mix of utter surprise and bewilderment. Landing his hands on the wall behind her, one on each side of her gorgeous, lovely, but ever so alarmed looking face, he then, with deliberate slowness entrapped her.

"WHY?" he huffed out, his face and his mouth just inches away from hers. The blue oceans of his eyes not, for even a slightest moment, leaving hers.

Sam felt her legs instantly turn to jelly and she was absolutely sure he could hear her heart beat like crazy as she with enormous eyes blinked back at him.

"Huh?" she whimpered out between her quivering lips, horror spreading inside of her as she felt a tightening in her womb. God...this could not be happening. There would definitely be a cold day in hell, before she would ever make him aware of that she was actually turned on by his approach, or simply by him, or to even admit the same fact to herself. Oh god...

With a shuddering breath, Sam forced herself to stop thinking of Mike that way...of him period, he could not by a long shot be even the slightest interested in her. Gosh, this was just stupid thinking on her behalf. She chuckled at her own pathetic thoughts and peered down at the floor.

Mike wasn't moving away, not as much as an inch, and his eyes stubbornly held their gaze at her, trying to get eye contact with her.

"Okay...something is obviously funny here " he chuckled too and eased one of his hands from the wall behind her and instead leant on the other, the movement getting him even closer to her left side, and the smug smirk that provoked, did not elude Sam," But...I'm not backing down. Why Sam, would I be kidding you?"

Sam straightened herself and tried to clear her face from anything that could give her away to him. She would rather die, than to let Mike Aaron, the rock god for millions of people, know how she really felt .

"Well, I thought  the only reason you asked me over " she mumbled a little sarcastically, "Was to just  have fun on my behalf..."

"Really?" he asked, arching a brow in disbelief at her.

All Sam could manage was to nod .

"Now why would I do that? " Mike shook his head as he devoured her greedily, the proximity to her, making his inside tip over with desire and lust for her. Closing his eyes for a second, making them roll inside his eyelids, he felt himself harden and his inside literally heat up in burning flames.

"Maybe because you all wanted to have some fun?" said Sam, her voice low with a touch of uncertainty.

The smile on Mike's lips became soft and sincere , and his arousal had become very palpable in his snug, on stage, jeans. Praying she would not notice, he moved in even closer on her, making his chest lightly brush against hers.

"If it's that kind of fun I want, I can sit and watch Squid and Smut being total idiots all day long...I've done that before," his voice husky as he leant in. Mike felt his pulse speed up as he could sense and smell her scents, soft wafts of it tempting his nostrils, "Kidding you is the last thing I would do " the tension between them had built up fast, and was now like a ticking bomb...soon to go off.

Sam was almost afraid to breath as she felt her heartbeat speed up like crazy, pounding like a war-drum inside of her chest.  Mike on the other hand, he was already kissing her madly and undressing her inside of his head.  

A hard knock on the door killed the moment abruptly and totally, and the second later Rusty stepped in.

"Oh for fuck's sake..." Mike muttered under his breath as he turned away, forcing down his arousal with pure agony. Talk about bad timing!

Rusty gave them both a weird look as he entered, like he was fully aware of the tension between them two and there was no question about it...hell, he could probably slice the air with a knife.

"The spectacle is over in your quarters, Mike  " he motioned with his thumb back at their 'camp', then he paused slightly, pondering the situation before him," You might wanna go over there and check it out before they are leaving...Squid's kinda wasted and I don't think Tyler can manage him on his own "

Mike turned back and stared with dark eyes at Rusty, the feeling of sheer irritation pouring through every pore in his body.

"Wasted, huh?" he shook his head as he damned his friend to the warmer regions of hell,"I swear to god, I'm gonna do something I probably will regret when it comes to him "

He glanced longingly at Sam, meeting her blue eyes before he turned back to Rusty with a weary sigh.

"Think about what I said to you me with this, Rusty, " he said in a low voice, leaning just a little towards him. Then Mike clapped him softly on the shoulder as he stepped past him, leaving Sam's quarters.

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