mistakes get made

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(Tony's pov)
Remember when i said never assume. Well i assumed and that's where i fucked up, but anyways.... I woke up and i was confused on what happened lasr night. All i remember was going on a date with Addison and then i woke up im my bed. I get up and get ready to shower. I look in the mirror and i see hickeys from my next all the way down to my v-line. Oooah Nick you frisky animal.... (Assuming. I think you know where this is going) i get in the shower and get dressed. I use some of the foundation to cover up the hickeys and i head downstairs and i see nick and chase. Hey chase. Hey nick. Hey Tony how was the date? Pretty good actually. That's nice nick said with a slightly high voice. He was jealous. He knew that i didn't like addison, but i guess he was still worried. Idk why.
(Nick's pov)
So i didn't remember hearing tony come in last night. What where they doing last night? I was in the kitchen eating and talking to chase when tony came in. "Hey chase. Hey nick. Hey tony i said. I decided to ask him about the date. Hey tony how was the date? Pretty good actually. Him saying that kinda bothered me. Especially since i didn't hear him come back last night. That's nice. I say. It comes out a little high. Chase looked at me like "u ok"? Yeah im fine. I say. Im my head i say jeez now i sound jealous.... But Tony wouldn't do that right. Nah he wouldn't, anything could happen. Im not so sure. We continue talking about the date. Tony seems like he really enjoyed himself. Sigh. Nickkkk tony says waving a hand infront of my face. Huh i say confused. You zoned out as we were talking about the date. Oh yeah. You okay? Tony asks concerned. Yeah no im good. I say. Nah ba-nick what's wrong. He forgot chase was in the room for a minute. Chase looked over at him. What was that tony? Chase asked smirking. I said nick what's wrong. Oh okay. Nick what's wrong? Nothing i just don't like talking about other people's date. It makes me feel single i say. Oh. Im sorry tony says looking sad. He turns around and reaches up to grab the cereal.... When he did that i saw it. Hickeys all over his body. My heart shattered because i don't want to believe he cheated but the evidence is right there. I didn't give him those, which means somebody else did. I burst into tears and i run into our room and get in my bed.... Pull the covers over my head and just cry until i fall asleep.
I woke up to the sound of someone knocking at the door. "Nick can i come in" i heard Tony say. No go away. Well you didn't lock the door so im coming in regardless. He walks in. Nick what's wrong why are you crying ? Im crying because i was inlove with you. And you didn't love me back. What? I saw the hickeys tony. How could you. Nick I- don't. I think we need to take a break. What you're breaking up with me? Tony asks in shock.  Yes. I say. I need time to think. Wow. Okay if that's what makes you happy, Then fine ill go. Cya. I lock the door and start crying.... How could someone i love so much hurt me so much? I blast hold me while you wait and cry myself to sleep.
(Tony's pov)
I turn around and Nick is running towards the room. I look at chase and ask what happened... Idk he just ran off. I should go check on him. Give him a little space for awhile. So i waited an hour. Then i went up to the room.
Nick can i come in" i say. No go away. Nick says.  Well you didn't lock the door so im coming in regardless. I walk in. Nick what's wrong why are you crying ? Im crying because i was inlove with you. And you didn't love me back. What? I saw the hickeys tony. How could you. Nick I- don't. I think we need to take a break. What you're breaking up with me? I  asked in shock. Yes. Nick says. I need time to think. Wow. Okay if that's what makes you happy, Then fine ill go. I mange to make it out the room before i start crying. I don't want anyone to see me like this. As im walking down the stairs i hear nick start blasting sad music and that just makes it worse. O grab my keys hop in the car, put in the directions and put it on autopilot. I sit in the seat crying and crying. He broke up with me and idek really know why. Im so confused.

The next part will be basically like an Instagram thing. Like their "posts" and comments and shit. You know what i mean... Annieways have a good day!

Tonick. A love that is a bitchWhere stories live. Discover now