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(Nick's pov)
I cry for about an soild hour. He really is going to pretend like we dated. Like all that time we spent together doesnt mean anything. Well i guess i should go help Addison. I want to beat the living shit out of her, but i can't because she didn't do anything shes innocent and she doesn't even know abt tony and i. I clean up my face that way shr won't know i was crying. After im finished i head over to Addison/dixie's room. I get there the door is closed but i hear them talking. Ahhh i can't believe Tony asked me on a date. Me either dixie said excited. Well i thought he liked nick. I thought so too, but apparently not. Addison laughed. Why'd i feel as if there was a little more to that comment then a simple joke. Whatever i brush it off and knock on the door. Hey come in.
You need my help? I ask trying not to look sad. Nick you okay. Yeah ya know the allergies be trippin. I sit on the bed and she starts changing clothes back and forth. Until i chose this tight- fitted red dress. Its cute but sexc. Okay thank you so much nick. You're welcome i say to her as i head out sigh its for her date. With tony. I run in the room crying and i lock the door behind me. "How come he doesn't remember me. How come he doesn't remember all the love we shared and had for each other i love him so much and its killing me. He doesn't care he's inlove with Addison. I cry really hard. Where did my boyfriend go. I want my tony back. I want him to pick me up force me to look at him and him to tell me everything is gonna be alright my teddybear i promise. Sigh i start crying even harder bc tony was my everything. I told him everything... 
(Tony's pov)
Im in Nick's and i's bathroom getting ready for our date. When i suddenly hear nick come in crying i wanted to ask him whats wrong then i hear him talking.... It made me sad  "How come he doesn't remember me. How come he doesn't remember all the love we shared and had for each other i love him so much and its killing me. He doesn't care he's inlove with Addison. He cries really hard. Where did my boyfriend go. I want my tony back. I want him to pick me up force me to look at him and him to tell me everything is gonna be alright my teddybear i promise. I hear him sigh then he starts crying even harder then i hear him say this and i started crying. tony was my everything. I told him everything he means the world to me and i want him to be happy and if Addison makes him happy then i guess i gotta let him go... Then i get a pain in my head Ahhhh fuck. Thats when Nick turns around. TONY!?!? whats wrong i just felt a big pain in my head. From where i ask concerned? From above my ear. I say. Then he turns me where he can see my ear. Hey Tony nick says. Yeah? Have you hit ur head recently? No. So why is there a cut above your ear. I don't Fucking know nick i say aggravated. Well maybe thats why ur heads hurting so bad. It looks like someone put a chip in you. A chip i ask confused. Why would someone put a chip in my ear. Chips are for eating. Not that kind of chip. A microscopic chip. It likes effects your memory. The millon dollar question is who would want to fuck with your memory?

I posted again. Here it is. I guess i should tell you guys.... I do still stan tony. The rumours of him sending nudes to a 15 year old have been prove unliable so that clears up tony. But ondreaz. I still support him.

Tonick. A love that is a bitchOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant