What the actual fuck.

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(Tony's pov)
Well the first thing was much easier than i thought. Nick tells me. Which means the second one won't be as bad. Yeah you're right. Well do it tomorrow. You wanna watch a movie? Yea sure let me go get in the shower real quick. Nick heads upstairs  and hops in the Shower. While he's in the shower i hear the door open and i think its the food id ordered. Hey I'll be out in a moment. This is not the pizza we already got him. Who?  Well your little nicky boy. In order for you to get your precious boyfriend back you must confess the truth you've been hiding from him. And you need your boyfriend to do the next task so i suggest you make it fast. I hurry and get in the shower and head into the room to get dress. I quickly get dressed and head downstairs. I see a note on the table. You want your boyfriend? Meet us at 14768 Mill street. At 2:57pm. Why 2:57? Why can't it be like 2:55 or 3:00 they're super weird. What truth? What did i do. Then it hits me. Oh fuck. Imma lose my baby. I start crying really hard. He's gonna hate me. Im gonna lose him. Why did i even do that. I wish i didn't and how'd they even know about what happened? *Sighs.* I'm screwed. I love nick so much. I really do but i don't think he'll love me after this. I start crying even harder. I sit at the bottom of the stairs and cry for hours. 3 and 1/2 hours later. Sigh i need some rest i gotta be on time. I mope up the stairs to our room. I throw myself onto the bed and continued crying until I fall asleep.
I wake up to an empty bed. I look around like where's nick??? Then the events of the previous night all comes back and it hits me like a rock. I instanly start bawling. No im gonna lose him. I check my phone and realize its 2:25 fuck. I need to hurry. I hurry and get in the shower and get dressed. I head out into the car. I gps my way to the house. When i arrive its 2:55. Whew i made it. Ok so i ring the door bell and all of sudden im falling. What the actual fuck. Then i hit something and i bounce back up. Am i on a fucking trampoline?. I stop jumping and get off. I see tony tied up. I try and go to him but as im 2 feet away i get blasted back. Again what the actual fuck. Its a forcefield you can't go past one foot. Oh. Suddenly i hear a voice over the speaker. Confess your crime or make him do the time. How long is the time? TONY LEVI LOPEZ. i just was curious. Well be curious later. What do you have to confess? Well... Wait. Before you tell me. I love you so much. You make me so much happier. Im so thankful that i met you and i know you would never do anything on purpose to hurt me. Aww nick i love you too. Well... Um after i fucked you really good at the party. Yeah he said rollong his eyes. Well we were playing t or d and a girl got dared to kiss me. Well that's not so bad nick says relieved.... There's more. We started making out. Tony how could you. Not just that.... Um we went to a room and.... You fucked her just say it nick said with tears in his eyes. No i didn't fuck her. She gave me head. Oh. You let her. Yes. Wow. I was drunk nick i had no idea what i was doing. Don't even. You weren't drunk. You could drink 12 cups of liquor and still funtion like it was nothing. So don't even try it. I could see nick crying now. The forcefield came down. I Ran over to him and untied him. We head out to his car. Which i drove. As we are in the car. I hear nick crying. Baby im sorry it was a mistake. Oh really so letting someone slurp you down is a mistake. It wasn't a mistAke it was a choice. A choice you made. I know and im so sorry. Did you cum? What did you cum? Tony looks straight ahead. So now all of a sudden you decide you wanna go straight in life. Yes okay. She made me cum. No i didnt cum in her mouth. Im not dumb. So you were in it enough to know not to cum in her mouth but not in it to not let that happen in the first place. I hate you he says. We arrive. nick quickly gets out of the car and heads straight into our room. He locked the door and o heard him going into a full blown depression state. why aren't i good enough for him . What am i doing wrong. Im such a screw up no wonder he did it. He doesn't love me. He never loved me. Im useless. Im worthless and uneeded. Why am i even alive. No one loves me or cares about me. The one thing i love with all my heart just hurt me. There's nothing left to live for. He puts on a song. (Jocelyn flores) i hear him sing it like he means it. Then when the part where it says im in pain wanna put 10 shots in my brain. I hear a loud boom. NICKKKK. Oh god no please no. I break the door and i see blood spattered everywhere. I see nick on the ground with the gun in his hand. Nick. Please god no. Im sorry nicky Im sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'll never get a chance to tell you i love you. And the last thing you told me was that you hate me. God this is all my fault. I didn't deserve your love or your loyalty. I fucked up and it costed me the love of my life. If only i had another chance to make it right.

(Nick's pov)
I woke up in tears. Tony was sitting next to me on the couch. Huh. Wait what the actual fuck. Didn't he just die or sum. Oh my god when he wakes up i gotta tell him before it too late to. I know he's gonna be mad and hurt but ill give him some space, but while he's still sleeping.... Imma go get rid of all the rope in the house.... Ya know just incase. I really love and care about him and i realized that i made real mistake and i know it'll take him time to forgive me. And im willing to wait because i truly care about him. While he sleep let me shower and change. Actually.... I'll just go for a swim instead. I don't want him to get kidnapped.
(Tony's pov)
I wake up and i start crying. Is nick really dead. Oh my god. I caused my boyfriend to kill himself. God. Then i see someone outside swimming i move closer to the door and thanl the lord its nick. I have to tell him what happened at the party. But first lemme go throw out the  gun. You know to be on the safe side. You never know. Whatever that was made me realize that Nick is so important to me and that i love him more than anything else in the world and i realized that i made real mistake and i know it'll take him time to forgive me. And im willing to wait because i truly care about him. Its gonna hurt him but i need to let him know because its better late then never. I head outside and jump in the pool. Hey. Hey Nick listen we need to talk. Like right now. Yeah i agree. I have to tell you about something that happened at the party. So do i. Lets say it at the same time. Somebody gave me head after we fucked at the party. We say at the same time. Oh. Nicky im really sorry i shouldn't have let her do it. Its my fault and i understand if you're mad at me. Im not mad at you people fuck up sometimes. We both fucked up. We just gotta forgive eachother and move on. Yeah you're right. I forgive you tony. I forgive you nick. We kiss and we start making out. Should we take this back to the room? Yeah. And you can be as loud as you want since no one is here but us. We're kissing while heading upstairs. We get in the room and lock the door. We start kissing more and more. That's when something pokes me ouch nick  stop. He stops. Get up theres something under you. Its a note that says. Well how'd you like task #2? It wasn't a dream. You were hallucinating... We gave you Ketamine. Babe they drugged us. The actual second task was to confess your fuck ups to one another. None of that "dream" was real. It was all a hallucination to show you what could possibly happen when you keep secrets from youd loved one.  Me and nick are just shocked...  Well. 2. t̶e̶l̶l̶ y̶o̶u̶r̶ l̶o̶v̶e̶d̶ o̶n̶e̶s̶ t̶h̶e̶ t̶r̶u̶t̶h̶...
That was a rollercoaster day. Yeah ion even wanna fuck anymore can we just cuddle and go to sleep? Yea ofc my teddybear. So thats what we did. We cuddled and watched movies until we fell asleep.

1640 words...  Woah thats like two whole chapters in one. Ik its late asf but well i was writing alot. I hope you guys enjoy. You guys kept saying this is so sad. Nick imma beat you up and im like its not real chill. Yall crying cuz yall think he dead and shit. Nope. Yes tony is alive.

Tonick. A love that is a bitchWhere stories live. Discover now