Movie night

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(Nick's pov)

After i use the bathroom i go downstairs and sit next to tony he looks over at me and sees me looking at him so i look away. A jumpscare came up onto the screen and i jumped onto tonys lap on accident. Everybody looks at me. I blush and quickly get off of him. I look over at him and see he's blushing aswell. S- S- Sorry. I whispered to him. He says its fine and we continued watching the movie. After the movie ends i look around to see that everyone except tony is sleep. "And then it was two" tony says jokingly. So what do you wanna do since everyone is asleep. I wanna kiss you and makeout.... I said in my head. Idk what do you wanna do? I asked tony. (Tony's pov) i want you to kiss me and we go have a makeout session because you're so fucking hot....
I said in my head. Well idk. (Nick's pov) We can play video games in my room. Ok lets go. We go up to my room and we play games. "You cheated" Tony yelled No i didn't you just suck" "yeah i do". He winked. Wait.... What was that about?
We continue playing games and talking all night. That's when i checked my phone holy shit 5am. "You're lying" tony says but we haven't been up here for that long. I guess time flys when im enjoying myself. You're actually enjoying yourself? Yes. I like you- wait was he confessing to me. Omfg no way. I like your company. oh ok. Thanks i like your company too. So you wanna head to bed or play nba? Definely play nba. Ok but i get the warriors. That's fine bc i wanted the lakers anyway. They play 2 games. The score is 1:1 one more game? Yep because im not going to sleep until i make you take a big fact L. First of all tony says you're gonna take the L. You are. Nah you are. You Definely are. Nope. Okay lets make this more interesting.... Whoever loses has to kiss.... The other i said really low where i knew he couldn't hear me. What did you say i said the loser has to kiss the wall and post it on their story for an hour. Ok bet. Its the fourth quarter nick is up by two.... With 37.8 seconds he passed the to shaq, shaq passes it to kobe.... As he is about to take the shot nick fouled tony. Its 4 seconds on the clock nick says well get ready to lick a wall. As the clock is ticking down tony shoots the ball right before the buzzer buzzes from half court? No way ur gonna make that. As I says that the ball splashs going in. No fucking way. Not only did i make it tony says .... I splashed it. Damn okay. (Tony's pov) Okay are you ready for your picture. I snapped the picture and its actually cute. I posted onto his story.... After that i started laughing? What's funny nick asks. This picture its funny but cute. Shit did i just admit aloud that i think his picture is cute.... Fuck. Yeah it is nick says. Well its 6:30am so i guess you should get going. Yeah you're right. Bye nick. Bye Tony.
As im walking out of his room ryland is coming upstairs.... Why are you creeping out of Nick's room at 6:30 in the morning? Well.... After the movie ended we went up to his room and started playing video games. We also made a bet on whoever lost the game would have to post a silly picture. I won. Of course. Oh okay. Then i left. That's it? Yep. Well good night. Night.
I head into the room and i see ondreaz sleep. I made sure to be quiet so i wouldn't wake him he turned over and said so where were you all night. I re-explained what i did with nick and he was just like ok. I laid in bed and started thinking... I liked spending time with Nick. He's funny, sweet, we have alot in common except i know how to shoot better. I chuckle a little. Then i doze off.

Would you guys believe me if i said I finished this on the toilet..... Well i did. Btw most of my chapter will be between 600-700 words.

Tonick. A love that is a bitchOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz