twenty-four · memories

Start from the beginning

"Oh, be quiet, you two," Nya mutters. In one swipe she cuts off most of the length of her hair, nearly taking off her brother's nose with it.


"Hi, um... this is Lloyd. I stole the camera while the others aren't paying attention. I think it'll be funny when they look back and figure out what I did." The boy's bowl-cut hair flops with each step, brushing it out of his eyes every two seconds.

"I'm pranking the team. Well, there's more to it than just pranks, but I'll make this simpler for you." He holds up two folded gis, one red and the other white. "I'm gonna wash these two together. Mwahaha!"


"Okay, Lloyd again. Results!" he announces, holding up an entire laundry bin full of Zane's now-pink gis. "Can't wait to see the pink Ninja fighting the Serpentine. Now, I'm going to break Kai's high score. And later I'm gonna add a lot of salt to Cole's vomit-berry soup, then cut the red, green, blue, black, and normal wires inside Jay's machine. See ya!"


The Earth Ninja's face fills the camera now. "Hey guys, Cole here! Just wanted to show you guys our younger brother, all grown-up! Check this out. Hey, Lloyd?" he called.

"Yeah, what is it?" The Green Ninja's voice is deeper than before and as he walks into the camera's view, it's easier to see that he was a lot older. He's a significantly taller and after he throws off his hood, his longer hair becomes visible too. "Dude- are you filming me?"

Out of the blue, Cole cracks up, the camera shaking.

"COLE! Is this about my voice again?! Come on! YARGH!" He tackles the Earth Ninja, the both of them laughing.


"Hello, friends. This is Zane, and per my friends' requests, I will be teaching you how to cook. Or- teaching Cole how to cook. Their only other request was for me to not wear my apron, as they said that Ninja cannot wear pink. I have several arguments regarding the color pink and aprons, but I am wasting time so I will cut to the chase. I am going to be teaching you how to make lemonade. According to the people in my old village, this was the best lemonade recipe, so I would hope that you will enjoy this as well."

He goes through the steps to make a heavily salted lemonade in a professional manner, commenting on how it tastes better with more salt. Once he completes the recipe, he discreetly flips a switch on his arm before taking a sip of the drink. "That is all! Enjoy!" He doesn't turn it off fast enough, however, as the camera records a laugh at the end. Hopefully, the unlucky Ninja that followed the recipe was able to catch it.


"Take that- and that- Hey, look, is that Spinjitzu?- aw, only Energy? Why does Lloyd always steal the show?"

The Ninja in the frame look starkly different than before- to begin with, Cole is a translucent green ghost, and Zane is bright titanium.

"I'm not even playing the game, how is this my fault?!" Lloyd hollers from a nearby room.

A red-sleeved arm reaches out from the filmer and quietly passes straight through the ghost. With a yelp, Cole drops his controller, phasing through the couch in his surprise. "Holy- KAI WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

"Zane won again," Jay groans, flopping backward on the couch.

"For the two-hundredth sixty-seventh time this year," Zane adds in the background as Cole continues to scream at Kai.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU, KAI SMITH! I ALMOST WON!" he shouted, starting to chase the Fire Ninja.


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