epilogue · angels

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~ about nine months later ~


"Ready, team?"



"Let's do this, guys!"

As one, they shouted, "Ninja-GO!"

Six figures grabbed onto each other for support as they stepped through the threshold between the Departed Realm and Ninjago.

They were thrown into a world that was consumed by darkness, devastating the team even though they expected it. Jay squeezed one of the hands he was holding, who reciprocated it for the next person. Without thinking, the gesture was passed through the whole team like a ripple in water.

"It- it'll be okay," he said, more to himself than his friends. The hood to his blue jacket blew off in the wind, ruffling his auburn hair. "We're going to find a way to fix this."

The white-haired boy next to him nodded, giving him a kind smile. "Indeed we will. That is our job, as Ninja- making all things right in the world, whether we are deceased or alive."

"And it seems that right now, we're in the 'dead' phase. Unfortunately." The blond boy of the group sighed, looking down on his body. "It's going to take a while before I get used to this, huh?"

"Well, it has been nine months... but hey, it took me a while to get used to it when I first became a ghost, so don't worry if you don't get the hang of it right away, okay buddy?" The oldest of the ghosts, a black-haired teenager, patted his green-clad friend on the back.

"The monastery!" Jay suddenly cried, his face brightening significantly at the sight of the mountain. The darkness seemed to deliberately avoid the very tip of the peak, leaving their former home intact and free of evil. "Come on, guys!" He zoomed forward, dragging the others behind him.

"You're acting like you just downed ten cups of coffee. Slow down, buddy," Kai grumbled as they flew over. Jay looked back and grinned at his friend, knowing that deep inside, the Fire Ninja was more than thrilled to be back in Ninjago with the whole team.

Well, almost the whole team.

The group increased their speed the closer they got to the monastery, breaking apart once they touched down. They spent a moment in the training complex, looking around and soaking in what they saw. They were home. "Sensei Wu!" Lloyd shouted, phasing through the doors in search for their teacher. "Wu?"

Jay drifted over to the blank wall of the monastery, his ghost tail turning into translucent legs as he knelt on the stone floor. He was sadly unsurprised to see six modest graves there and his hand drifted over his own name engraved in stone.



Muffled shouts and cheers of excitement came from inside the building as the team found their mentor. Quickly, Jay phased through the walls in search of the team, following the burst of noise.

His five teammates were crowded around their teacher, their voices and laughter exploding in the room like firecrackers. His friends moved aside as he entered, allowing the Lightning Ninja to crush Wu in a hug. He had been the first Ninja to die, and in doing so had spent not just nine but almost ten months away from him.

Ten months wasn't the longest time apart, but the intent behind his death was what made it feel even longer. Jay stepped back, allowing Wu to breathe and himself to wipe the ghost tears off of his cheeks.

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