nine · crushed ice

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A red and black Nindroid, beaten up rather badly, stumbled into the Omega's current lair. He no longer had his swords with him, and one arm dangled uselessly to the side.

"I have disposed of the Ninja Zane and the Samurai Pixal," the Overlord growled. "I will need a new body, however, to function to my fullest ability."

"I do not need you anymore," the Omega said quietly. "You are only Zane's worst enemy. You are no longer needed."

He shot a pulse of Destruction at him with ease, not bothering to watch as the droid disintegrated into the black wispy smoke that was taking Ninjago back.

Unfortunately, the Omega knew the Overlord was immortal and he could not be destroyed forever. It remained the least of his worries however as the same could be said for every villain trying to take over Ninjago. Only few have gotten close to, and even fewer have succeeded. The Omega had a simple plan that would bring him to the small minority of success.

Each of the Ninja's worst enemies would be their downfall and no one else could do it. Keeping them around after the Omega used the villains would only continue to threaten his rule of Ninjago, and he was completely fine with destroying anyone who stood in his path.

The Omega wanted to do the same with the genie Nadakhan, but there suddenly were some changes in the Ninja's worst enemies.



"Yes, Omega?" the djinn said with difficulty.

"Instead of sucking you back into your precious teapot, I want you to target another Ninja. Not her brother," he added carefully. "Only the girl."


The Oni glared at the prince. "No, Nya Smith." He wanted to add 'you Cheeto' and wondered where that word came from.

Nadakhan left respectfully, with at least what he thought was respect. Clearly he wasn't able to admit to anyone that he was less powerful and at the mercy of the Oni. The Omega suspected he didn't actually carry much respect for him-- or anyone for that matter. That didn't bother him, though. The Omega had something else to do. He had to find the brother's worst enemy, and he didn't trust anyone else to do it for him. He began to scour time.


"Any luck yet?" he asked, distressed. Lloyd shook his head, equally frantic.

"Our last tracked location is an abandoned warehouse in... Nom? Is that what that says?" The Green Ninja squinted at the name and tried the name on his tongue. "Yeah, it says 'Nom.'"

Cole's head snapped up at the town's name. "Nom?"

Kai smiled, but it was rather faint. "Oh yeah, Lloyd. We visited Nom for 'vacation' once. Er... let's just say a Ninja is never on vacation."

Lloyd also smiled sadly, his eyes fixed on the pixelated screen before him. "Yeah, I can vouch for that."

A sad silence grew. It had been just Cole, Kai, Zane, and Jay when they first visited Nom. Now they were going there again, but the Lightning Ninja was not with them any more and the Nindroid was missing.

With difficulty, Kai had woken himself that morning in a cold sweat. He groped around for his alarm clock before it woke up the others, already hating himself for wanting to get up so early to train. The Fire Ninja closed his eyes for a second, trying to pretend he hadn't just woken up from a nightmare that involved reversing time and being forced to watch Jay get attacked. A nightmare he didn't have the courage to tell anyone about.

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