thirteen · fighting spirit

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Instinctively, he caught the knife hurled haphazardly at him and used it to help shove Acronix off his chest.

He rolled, getting out of the way as Krux thrust the blade downwards. The Time Twin turned and growled, seeing that his target had escaped.

Suddenly Kai was suspended midair, straining to run. The Slo-Mo blade glittered in the sun almost mockingly. In the slowed time bubble, he had a chance to figure out where the heck his new weapon had come from. Who had thrown it?

The silver knife was wet and sticky with blood. If Kai looked hard, he could see that the handle was dark green and orange, the colors of the djinn Nadakhan.

She didn't.

If he was able to open his mouth, he would scream.

As the Slo-Mo's effects began to weaken, Kai managed to spot his sister behind him, collapsed on her side in a pool of red. The last wisp of a djinn's voice vanished with her as she let out a small breath she could never take back.



The time bubble broke from around Kai as Krux took yet another slice at the Fire Ninja. What was it, his twelfth try?

Dodging, Kai tried to run towards Nya's lifeless body but Acronix was in the way, brandishing his blades.

Nya can't be dead.

He recklessly charged at Acronix in an attempt to get to her side but instead got a nasty blow to the head. He stumbled and crashed to the ground, taking ragged breaths as his head throbbed.

I can't give up. Nya gave me a chance. I have to give her one too. I have to make sure she's okay. She's got to be okay. She can't be gone.

Kai let out an inhuman roar and a wave of fire shot from his body, radiating scorching heat. The Twins fell down, shielding themselves with their blades. Words spoken by other spirits clouded his hearing.

You are now old enough to protect yourself.

Kai, this is your little sister, Nya.

Your job is to protect her.

I won't let anything happen to you. I promise.

Nya had given up her only hope in order to save Kai's life. It should have been the other way around.

He swung the knife at Krux, catching the Time Twin on his arm. Another wave of fire rolled off of his body, striking them again.

What was the point of saving his life when it meant nothing without his sister? He had failed his only job.

Years of ninja training prevented him from standing there and letting his opponents finish him off. Instead, he did the only other thing he knew-- fighting. He attacked the Twins with a reckless rage that he had never felt before. He only had one goal which was to defeat his current opponent and take the chance that Nya had given him. Once that was taken care of, well... he'd likely join her and Jay in the Departed Realm. Thankfully he had a wide assortment of weapons at his disposal on the Bounty.

Kai felt himself burning up and knew that to anyone else, they would see fire flickering in the eyes of a Ninja who had lost their way. He didn't want to be alive anymore. There was no point. He just had to beat these time travelers first.

Because that's what Nya wanted.

He saw both Acronix and Krux suddenly advance on him. Shooting three different Time Punches at once, the blend of Pause, Slo-Mo, and Forward Blades countered each other and trapped Kai in a state of being paused and sped-up at the same time. It felt like his insides were being wrung out like a wet washcloth, pulling him into the future and also dragging him to a halt. He screamed between his teeth, trying to break out of the conflicting Time bubble, when Krux whipped out their emergency weapon.

A bomb.

Acronix scraped something against the concrete, lighting it on fire. A match? He shoved it towards the weapon explosive, lighting the fuse, and the older Twin hurled it at Kai.

A fiery explosion blinded Kai as the bomb struck his side, bright orange and yellow flooding his vision as he only saw fire.

An element he never thought could hurt him.

Then Kai saw darkness.


"They've been gone for so long, Lloyd. I'm getting worried. We should go make sure they're okay," Cole said, distressed. "Can you track them?"

Lloyd nodded once and they ran up to the main dashboard on the bridge, rapidly pressing buttons and pulling levers. By expressing his worry, Cole had essentially given the younger ninja the right to show his fear.

"Woah, they're so far from us." Cole located the Smith's dots at the edge of the screen. "Hey, can you zoom in?"

Lloyd obeyed, his hands shaking. The black ninja squeezed his shoulder as details and words appeared on the map.

"What are they doing in a parking lot?" Cole narrowed his eyes. "Wait- where did Kai's go?"

In a blink, the dot disappeared. Zane and Pixal's vanishing and deaths replayed in his mind. Their dots had vanished, and before they knew it they were gone.

"I don't- I don't know," Lloyd whispered and set the Bounty's destination to those coordinates, reeling in the anchor and igniting the engines. "We only have one way to find out. Let's go inform Sensei, okay?" He hesitated, then added quietly, "I don't want to be alone up here. And what if something happens to you-"

"Hey, don't worry, buddy. I'll be with you every step of the way, alright?" The Earth Ninja hugged Lloyd quickly. "C'mon. We need to find Kai and Nya before anything can happen to them."

angels - a ninjago fanfiction [complete]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें