twenty · don't make me do this

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"You can't make me do it."

The ghost leaned up against one of the trees in the Departed Realm, crossing his arms. "Besides, I'm a 'good guy' now, blah blah blah, yeah. I don't really do this kind of stuff. I'm happy to stay dead."

"I do not hold the power to return you to human form, though I would not do so even if I could. You will complete this in your current state. If you refuse," the Oni threatened, "I will banish you to a place you'll never return from and it will be worse than being dead. No amount of water will send you back to this hellhole."

Morro had a feeling those were the longest sentences he had ever spoken. He shrugged, playing off his fear as carelessness. "Nah, I think I'm good. I don't know why you want me, anyway. Nobody's scared of me, unfortunately."

The Omega gathered a ball of purple Destruction in his hands, making him instantly back away. He remembered Wu's lessons about all the different elements, and he clearly recalled all the things Destruction could do. He wasn't eager to experience any of them in-person.

"Would you like me to send you there now?" he growled. "Do as I tell and you will stay."

Being forced into corners he couldn't phase out of was on the list of things Morro hated. He gritted his teeth, already regretting what he had to say. "Fine. But just for the record," he added bitterly, "he's not afraid of me. Heck, I don't think he's afraid of anything now, no thanks to you. He's not going to make a big show for you, so set your expectations low."



For someone who died a good while ago, this was the first time Morro's voice reflected the state he was in: dead.

The person before him had their legs dangling over the back edge of the roof and was facing away from him, observing the world the Bounty was flying away from. For a second, he wondered if it was someone else-- even though it wouldn't make sense.

It didn't seem like this was Cole, even though he was the only person who wore an all-black ninja gi. From the little he knew about each individual Ninja, he had a feeling that Cole could recognize Morro from a mile away. It seemed starkly out of character for him to not react. Perhaps what he had told the Omega earlier was right. Maybe Cole had been broken more than he thought... all the more reason to do what must be done.

The Earth Ninja didn't turn at his name and continued to stare towards the clouded horizon. "Morro. What do you want?"

"I don't want anything. After all this time, you still don't trust me, huh? Look, I don't have much time, but the Omega's behind all of this." He glanced down at the darkness, half expecting the Oni to appear and banish him to whatever realm. He didn't though, so he plowed on, knowing his time was finite. "He recruited the villains to kill your friends, and he's trying to get me to kill you, but I won't do it. He knows it'll hurt Wu more if his students- you and the other Ninja- are gone."

"Do it."

He blinked. "Excuse me?"

Cole turned to face him, expressionless. "The Omega wants you to kill me. Do it. At least I'll be with my friends."

"And what about Wu? You're willing to just leave him behind?"

"He'll be okay," he said, though neither of them believed it. The sensei might not be in physical danger, but he would be plagued with more guilt and sadness than before.

"What about me?"

Both Ninja looked over. The old man stood behind them on the roof, his bamboo staff in one hand and a teacup in the other. "Morro. How did you escape the Departed Realm?"

"I was dragged out of there against my will," he informed him. "The Omega wants me to-"

"I know," Wu interrupted, stopping him from saying the k word again. "We are out of time. We must prepare for battle. The Oni will likely be coming soon enough for the both of you."

Morro didn't have to turn around to recognize the soft sound of a rift opening and closing, even though he had only heard it once before. "Too late for that now," he scowled, green blades materializing in his hands as he greeted their unwanted visitor. "Speak of the devil."


The Omega appeared in the shadows of the Bounty, Destruction glowing in his hands. Five other Bringers of Doom teleported to the roof as well, one joining the Omega in advancing on Cole, the others pinning Wu and Morro down and threatening them with Destruction of their own.

The Master of Wind thrashed in the Oni's grips but it seemed impossible to escape. Somehow they were able to hold on to the ghost, who usually would pass right through solid objects unless they wanted otherwise.

"Cole!" Wu cried as the Ninja reached the end of the roof. With nowhere to go but up, he flipped over the Omega's head and grabbed onto his horns, pulling the demon backwards. They struggled like that for a while, the other Oni hesitantly standing to the side. Seizing his chance, Morro summoned a gale of wind that blew it off the roof. It fell into its own darkness, enveloped in the smoky clouds. His sudden burst of power prompted the Oni restraining the ghost to tighten their hold on him, much to his dismay.

Cole was still battling the Omega, playing the defense as he dodged the charges of Destruction. However he was clearly tiring as his moves were becoming slower, and each slash of a blade that struck him made Morro even more worried. If he slipped, took one wrong step, or moved too slowly, the Omega would finish him off in a heartbeat.

The black Ninja nearly fell off the roof and Spinjitzued the Omega as a last-ditch attempt, his tornado teetering dangerously on the edge.

He could only watch in slow-motion as the Oni leader hurled a massive charge of Destruction into Cole's Spinjitzu. It instantly broke him out of the tornado, the dark element smashing into his chest. Wu and Morro both screamed as the impact of the hit sent him flying backwards, his back arching as he fell. He was snatched up by the tendrils of darkness, dragged down until he couldn't be seen anymore.

He was... gone.

Wu shouted a string of choice words at the Omega while the former Ninja was frozen in shock. He hadn't known Cole at all but the loss hit him harder than he expected. Nobody deserved that fate, especially him.

The Oni ignored the verbal attack and pounded his staff into the roof, the four remaining Oni promptly teleporting away.

The moment they were freed, both master and former student charged at the Omega but were thrown back. He glared at Morro, who had fallen onto the deck below. "You will pay for failing me."

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I care," the ghost snarked, even though he did in fact care. He just didn't want to give him the satisfaction of having total control, he thought angrily as he summoned a strong wind that buffeted the Destiny's Bounty.

"You will never return from this realm," the Omega roared, pure hatred flickering in his eyes as the ship struggled in the night sky.

There was a flash of purple, then Morro only saw white.

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