twelve · twins

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~ one hour ago ~


After a lot of pleading, puppy eyes from Nya, and empty promises to stay safe, Lloyd reluctantly let Nya and Kai get supplies for the Bounty.

The towns were creepily silent, filled with color yet every person was grey and frozen like statues... which Kai figured they were. He hated statues. All they had to do was shoot lasers from their eyes, and he knew he'd have a new nemesis.

They made it to a nearby village, taking gas and full water tanks from a gas station. Tying them to the Bounty's anchor, they were pulled up to the ship three at a time. After loading the last tank, Nya hopped on one hook of the anchor, ready to go back up. Kai nearly did the same, but he stopped when he saw a black cloak's tail flash past a shop's corner.

Kai knew that the Oni were somehow petrifying Ninjagian citizens and purposefully keeping the Ninja un-frozen. Why would they let a random civilian be free? Something wasn't right.

He silently signalled to Nya and comm'd Lloyd, who was leaning over the railing a hundred feet above them. "Stay here. Nya and I need to go, um, get food." He looked up at the puzzled Energy Ninja and dramatically winked. Why tip off a potential enemy if you're planning on following them?

Even from the far distance, the red ninja swore he could see Lloyd roll his eyes. Kid's getting a little sassy, he thought to himself.

He and Nya quietly snuck around the corner, on high alert for any unusual movement. He found footprints pressed deep into the dirt, as if their maker had deliberately made a trail.

If I were making footprints, I would lead them to a trap or something, then run off to an undetectable place. Kai looked around, wishing for not the first time that his gi wasn't a shocking red. Anyone could see him from a mile away. If I needed to make a quick escape, I would hop on a roof.

He nodded at Nya, and they both simultaneously jumped onto a roof, getting an aerial view of the footprints. They snaked around a tall building, the Ninja only scaling it to find it made a sharp turn and headed back in the direction it came. The tracks made dizzying loops, turns, and even squares, to Nya's annoyance, around the village. And as much as they tried to anticipate the trail, they couldn't. It frustrated both siblings, and thirty minutes after leaving the Bounty Nya slammed a sword into the concrete rooftop. "Whoever did this has a twisted sense of humor," she growled.

They continued for another twenty minutes, finding themselves making figure-eights and walking in circles. Every step they took brought them further from the Bounty and towards a potential trap. The siblings didn't make conversation as they didn't want to reveal their location, for the path already brought them into open spaces without much cover.

"We have to move," Nya said, peering down at the ground. "If we stay this high up, we're going to lose sight of the trail. It's weaving underneath those trees up ahead, see?" She pointed with a katana, then sheathed it. "Let's hit the ground."

They hopped off the building, landing in an empty lot devoid of parking guides, cars, and people. "Ow," the Water Ninja muttered, pressing a fist to her stomach.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" he asked frantically.

She grimaced. "I'm fine. Just... Well, I learned the hard way last night that your cake was too old."

He pulled a face. "That's too much infor- wait, you were eating my cake without me?"

Nya shrugged her shoulders innocently. "Oops."

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