seven · found, but at the wrong time

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Is it true?

Her second thought was When the heck did he get here?

She had been flying back to the Bounty at Zane's request when a chill raced over the land, like a shockwave of darkness imploded somewhere on Ninjago and was spreading rapidly. Flying even faster, Pixal was passing over Nom when her mech was shot down and crashed. She tracked the attacker and, lo and behold, it was Mr. E.

Or so it seemed. It was Mr. E's body alright, but the intelligence within it was the Overlord. The parasitical spirit had somehow possessed the mechanical body. Thankfully, he was unable to use his powers, but that didn't make him any less dangerous.

Hearing the Overlord's voice inflicted fear on the heart she shared with Zane. She had hoped she would never hear it again.

He kept speaking about the Omega, and an inkling of an idea started to form-- perhaps the Oni was the one who brought back the Overlord. And if he spoke the truth, then this genie named Nadakhan was also brought back to kill Jay.

That couldn't be true. Nadakhan, a fairy tale's genie prince, couldn't defeat the Lightning Ninja, right?

The Ninja of Ice answered none of her questions, only creating more. He shot a blast of ice at the Overlord, but the latter swiftly dodged it. The bolt struck a tall stack of boxes and the impact sent Pixal skidding away from the duel.

"You cannot defeat me," she heard the Overlord growl. "Last time, you gave your petty little life to temporarily defeat me. I am immortal. What will you try this time?"

"Agh!" She flinched as she heard Zane cry out, the ring of metal-on-metal echoing in the warehouse. "I will do anything it takes to protect my friends. It is no different than it was before."

The Samurai was stuck underneath a large conveyor belt. She fumbled with her helmet, which was wedged firmly between the floor and the belt, every blast driving more fear and panic into her mind.

She managed to get out and quickly scaled a stack of frozen boxes, leaping towards the pipes by the ceiling then swinging off them like a trapeze artist. With a hard kick, she smashed the Overlord to the floor, Zane shooting steady streams of ice at him. Of course, he managed to dodge the ice.

The warehouse now had so much ice, the air inside chilled, dropping the temperature ten degrees. It didn't matter; all three Nindroids would be able to fight well even when the temperature was below freezing point. It could be a raging blizzard or a realm of eternal winter, and they could all function fine.

That was great for Pixal and Zane, but as they fought Mr. E/the Overlord, it wasn't so great. He dodged Zane's ice and parried Pixal's blows simultaneously.

"I am trapped in a damaged body now, but soon I will rise again and overthrow the Oni," he snarled, failing to strike Pixal in the head.

"Good luck with that," Zane retorted, freezing one of their opponent's swords. "The Omega is only using you as a way to target me and possibly Pixal as well. If you succeed-" he flipped off from a frozen shelf, kicking him in the head- "First Spinjitzu Master forbid- the Omega will only destroy you."

"How can you be so sure?" the Overlord sneered, though emotion was difficult to detect in his voice. Pixal angrily fought back with renewed vigor— she couldn't bear to lose Zane again.

"Even if the Omega destroys me, it will only be after I destroy you, and that is all I want," he cackled. "Stupid Ninja. Do you really think you can keep this realm in peace? At some point or another, you will lose. And that day is coming sooner than you think. Or has it already come?"

Zane's expression was hard to read, but Pixal detected faint traces of guilt.

Why would Zane feel guilty?

"Zane, you need to tell me now." She knocked one of the Overlord's swords aside and struck him in the chest. "What happened to Jay?"

The white ninja continued his barrage of attacks on the Overlord.

"Zane, what happened to Jay?" she demanded.

Silence. The Overlord drew away and Zane stood battle-ready, breathing hard and his armor banged up badly from the fight.

"He was-" his voice lowered to a whisper, Pixal only catching the end of his sentence- "-to death by Nadakhan."


He was actually gone?

Pixal blinked rapidly. Jay was strong. Surely he survived.

Suddenly Mr. E's eyes darkened and the Nindroid clattered to the ground. Startled, the Ninja approached him. It was as if he suddenly was powered off, the possessive spirit drained from the robot.

Pixal ran a quick scan. The Overlord was no longer in the biker's body. She couldn't detect the trace of him hiding anywhere either. He could only survive at the moment, it seemed, in a host. Where could he have gone?

"Where did he go?" Zane breathed. They were both scanning the area. He's not airborne. Where did he-

Pixal lost control of her body.

Everything became dark like someone had pulled the plug.

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