fourteen · the weekend whip

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tw: bombs, explosions 
geez i really just stole this chapter idea from a musical smh /j - may 2021 skylar


When the Bounty reached Kai and Nya's destination, Cole and Lloyd hit the ground running, Wu close behind. The Earth Ninja saw two dark shapes slumped on the ground-- one lay in a puddle of something red, while the other was a few feet away from scorch marks on the ground. As they drew closer, he distinguished the siblings from each other.

"Lloyd, Wu, take care of Nya! I've got Kai!" he cried, his voice shrill. He sprinted to the body further from the Bounty, forcing himself to focus on the ground beneath him.

It was a wonder he could tell that it was him. It looked like some sort of small explosive had hit Kai in the side, and Cole's stomach roiled. His brother's face was hardly distinguishable, charred and blackened from the explosion. One half was less damaged than the other, but nonetheless it was horrifying to see.

"No, no, no, no." He fumbled to find a pulse in the ninja's wrist. "Come on, come on, please, you can't die, please, Kai!"

He moved his fingers to Kai's neck, feeling for a pulse there. A faint throbbing greeted him, and he almost cried out in relief. He's not dead. If he watched carefully, he could see that the red ninja was taking incredibly shallow breaths. He was still alive.


The black ninja smiled worriedly at Kai's voice, hoarse and cracking with pain and nothing like the confident, feisty boy he was. It was broken apart with short gasps, his undamaged eyelid fluttering.

He pulled the Ninja's body into a slightly inclined position, resting Kai's head against his shoulder. "Hey, hey, shh, it's going to be okay."

"I did exactly as- as you said-" Kai gasped in pain, only able to use one half of his face. "I... I stayed with Nya and tr-tried to keep her safe, but I didn't-"

"Shh, I know you did everything just right. J-just stay with me, o-okay?" He knit his brow with worry. "We're gonna get you help, okay?"

"I messed up," he croaked out. "Nya's gone." Kai's body tensed up in pain as he coughed, a painful hacking sound.

Cole shot a quick glance back at Lloyd and Wu, the latter wrapping an arm around the Green Ninja. "I- I don't know. W-Wu and Lloyd are taking care of her, okay?" he lied, dragging his eyes back to the ninja before him. He didn't trust himself to look again.

"I tried... I tried to protect her," he whimpered, his voice ragged. "I..."

"I know, I know. Save your strength, just- st-stay alive. You're going to be okay, buddy. Hang in there."

"NO!" someone screamed. Lloyd. "KAI! Is- is he breathing? Is he going to survive this?"

Wu spoke quickly, fearful and grim. "Who did this? Cole, do you know?"

He shook his head, mouthing Nya? They didn't say anything, but Lloyd's lip trembled and fresh tears rolled down his face. Cole felt like he'd been punched in the gut and it took all his willpower to not break down. She's gone, isn't she?

Kai took a sharp breath, and Cole's heart stopped for a second. Thankfully, he took another inhale, but it was shallower and slower than before.

"Wu- I... I'm sorry for forgetting what you taught us."

"It's okay, Kai. Just stay with us," Wu said gently.

The red ninja's voice was barely audible. "You taught us Spinjitzu," he breathed.

"I taught you Spinjitzu," the old man agreed. "In the beginning, you wanted to work alone. But look at where we are compared to where we started. We are a team."

"I always hit a wall," Kai mumbled.

Cole laughed through his grief. "Yeah. We messed up 'most every time, and now we're so much better."

"Wu taught us how to fight time... I forgot when I was fighting them again." The wounded ninja tried to sit up, but they gently pushed him down.

"Do you 'member the song we made about it?" Lloyd asked softly.

Kai cracked half a smile, relaxing at the memory.

Cole recited the chorus, his heart knotted in his throat. "'Jump up-'"

"'Kick back, whip around and spin'."

"'And then we jump back, do it again,'" the Fire Ninja murmured, his eyes dimming.

"'Ninja-go'." The breeze blew the Green Ninja's dirty-blonde hair out of his eyes, the water in them glittering.

"'Ninja-go'," Kai repeated, his voice fading. "'Come on, come on, and do the weekend...'"

He fell limp.

"'The weekend whip'," Lloyd whispered. "Right?"


"No," Cole whispered. "No."

The wind quieted down.


His eyes were wide and blank, staring at the sky.




Watching Wu's reaction to discovering two more pupils dead satisfied the Omega. Call it sick, inhumane (hah, he wasn't even human), coldhearted, evil, disgusting, but he didn't care. It was the only way Wu would learn to stay out of his way when the Omega conquered Ninjago once and for all.

He didn't really care about the last Ninja's reactions. Both of them were crying- something the Omega was thankful he was incapable of- as they loaded the bodies onto their flying boat. The green one- the youngest, the one that was an eighth Oni- was a mess. If the Omega had a death wish, he would go down there himself and tell the sniveling little boy that he was behind all of his friends' deaths. That ninja's reaction would be priceless.

After the Time Twins did their work, the Omega disposed of them as well. He was almost done with destroying the Ninja team. There was only one person who the Omega would have to bring back to help complete that job. He could always have someone shapeshift into that person, but it would be less authentic that way. The Omega wasn't entirely sure if this person was that ninja's worst enemy, but he was powerful and desperate so that was all that mattered.

Still, it couldn't hurt to have a little bit of interaction between the two. The Omega decided to let the pathetic remains of the supposedly powerful Ninja team live a bit longer, to increase the pain factor.

In the meantime, he decided to have one of his right-hand Oni get ready for their new prisoner. She would make the most impact if she wasn't dead from the coma and could actually speak to her lover. The other ninja. This one was definitely afraid of her, though fear wasn't the only emotion sparked at the sight of her.

The Omega decided that his second-least favorite thing, besides the Ninja, was the color green. Some called it jade.

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