eighteen · reset

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She didn't know her name.

Who was she?

She had no idea.

Everything was just confusing. She didn't know where she was, either.

Her head hurt a lot. In fact, her entire body ached, and she wondered if this was normal.

All of her thoughts didn't really have words to them. She just felt things. Pain. Confusion. Hunger. Thirst. She couldn't describe it.

Her thoughts were as jumbled as a newborn's, not having any clue about the world around her. Her mind reset, and anything she might have known before was gone.

She just wanted it to end. Her head felt like it was splitting open, which it might have been. What should be simple things was a struggle for her to comprehend. She couldn't taste, feel, or smell much. She could see a bit though, and her blurry vision fixed on the thing she was next to.

It was something that had a bright color she hadn't seen before. She didn't know how she knew this, but the color reminded her of life, of new beginnings, of calm. Watching the canals in a city. Sneaking out to give away food. Tricks. Trust. Guilt. Being both lost and found.

The color brought both negative and positive feelings, but it didn't really matter to her. The color didn't mean anything at the moment.

The person wearing the color was right next to her, one hand limply on her arm. His eyes were closed and he was breathing in sharp, short breaths like she was. He had light yellow hair, the color of the world above her as it changed. When he looked over and made eye contact, she saw that his eyes were that bright color as well. The longer she looked, though, the more they became tinged with a contrasting color. More sinister, evil. His expression remained kind and concerned as he repeated several noises to her.



She had no clue who he was or what he was doing, but that didn't bother her either. His presence was calming, and she didn't feel as worried, being right next to him. Whoever he was, he made her last moment alive a more peaceful one as warm darkness pulled her into unconsciousness permanently.


Harumi didn't recognize him when she gained consciousness, but she didn't seem scared. A few minutes later, she closed her eyes and exhaled softly, going limp beside him.

She was gone.

Lloyd's body was stiff and hurt everywhere. He was continuing to disintegrate, though it wasn't as fast as it might be portrayed in a movie or show. It would be better if it happened fast like someone snapped their fingers and it would be over. A quick death was better than a slow, painful one.

Hopefully, Wu and Cole would wake up and find him. Lloyd's throat was constricted and felt like sandpaper, and he knew his call for help wouldn't be heard. He was at the one part of the Bounty where he couldn't be heard. Of course.

He was able to withstand the pain longer than most, but that didn't mean he didn't occasionally whimper in pain. Why couldn't it just be over?

It didn't take a genius to know that he was dying. He was too human to stop the Destruction and Darkness coursing through his veins. Only an eighth of him was Oni, and it wasn't enough to keep it from killing him.

The places that had been hit by Destruction were turning into a washed-out grey color that was spreading away from the impact area, carrying the pain with it.

When he was undoing her binds, he hadn't noticed that wherever his hands brushed up against her skin, she began turning that strange grey color. Too late, he realized what he had done, and she quickly became fine dust that scattered in the wind, dancing around Lloyd's own dust as they floated away, back towards the darkness the Destiny's Bounty was escaping from.

Lloyd choked back a sob as his friends' faces flashed before him. He knew he was going to join them sooner than later. He was glad to be able to be with them again, but he hated to leave Cole and Wu behind. They deserved better than this. They didn't deserve to lose everyone in their life.

"I'm sorry," he whispered to the cold air.

The sun began its climb into the sky as he let out a pained breath, the last of Lloyd Garmadon turning into dark dust.

angels - a ninjago fanfiction [complete]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora