"That's what this is." Dean said as he showed the demon blade handle to Henry.

"Where did you get that?"

"Demon gave it to me." Dean replied smoothly. "We've been around this block so many times."

"Is that portal that you came through still open?" Jessica asked.

"I highly doubt it." Henry answered. "Why?"

"I'm just thinking if we can't kill this Abbadon..."

"Maybe we can shove her back where she came." Dean finished. "How did you do it?"

"It's a blood sigil. Blood leads to blood. Or their next of kin."

"But Abbadon came through it, also, right?" Sam looked between Dean and Henry. "So can you create this blood sigil again?"

"My blood, an angel feather, tears of a dragon, a pinch of the sands of time—I would need those and... at least a week for my soul to recharge, but, yes, it's possible."

"You tapped the power of your soul to get here?" Sam asked. "I thought only angels could do that."

"You should know this." Henry said. "What level are you three?"

"What level?" Jessica raised a brow.

"Level of knowledge." Henry said as he looked between the three. "You're men of letters, correct?"

Dean cleared his throat. "I'm a little rusty on my boy bands. Men of what?"

"Men of letters. like your father, who taught you our ways."

"Our father taught us how to be hunters." Sam said.

Henry laughed. "You're not. Are you? Hunters?"

"Yes." Jessica nodded her head.

"Well, hunters are...hunters are apes. You're supposed to—you're legacies."

"Legacies of what?" Dean asked.

"Come on, I'll show you." Henry got up from the table and walked outside. He then sat in the front seat of the Impala.

"This man is going to lead us everywhere." Dean muttered as he placed some money onto the table and got up. Sam and Jessica followed.


"What is this?" Henry said as he walked up towards a door in an alleyway. The sign above read "Astro comics".

"No." Henry's hand traced a scratched out symbol.

"Alright, well, this was enlightening." Dean clapped his hands together. "Let's hit the road."

"Give him a minute, Dean." Jessica said.

"We just spent four hours driving, okay? All he did was stare out the window and request pat boone on the radio. He had his time."

"It's just a facade, a way to rook our enemies into believing we are housed elsewhere."

"Okay, enough with the decoder talk. How about you tell us what this whole men of letters business is, or you're on your own?"

Henry spun around. "It's not of you're concern."

"Why, because we're hunters?" Dean cocked a brow. "What do you have against us?"

"Aside from the unthinking, unwashed, shoot-first-and-don't-bother-to-ask-questions-later part, not much, really."

"You know what, wait a second." Sam said calmly. "We're also Johns children."

"You're more than that actually." Henry whispered. "My father and his father before him were both men of letters. As John and you two should have been. We're preceptors, beholders, chroniclers of all that which man does not understand. We share our findings with few trusted hunters—the very elite. They do the rest."

"So you're like Yodas to our Jedis." Dean said.

Henry looked at Dean confused.

"Never mind. You'll get there."

"If you guys were such a big deal, then why haven't we—or anyone we know—ever heard of you?" Sam asked.

"Abbadon." Henry whipped around and opened the shops door.

"Henry. Why?" Sam, Dean and Jessica followed the man inside. "Why'd she do it?"

"I think for this." Henry pulled out a rectangular box.

"Okay, what's that?" Sam shook his head in confusion.

"I wish I knew." Henry put the box back into his pocket. "Abbadon attacked us the night of my final initiation. All secrets were to be revealed then."

"Let me get this straight." Dean started. "You traveled through time to protect something that does," he shook his head. "You don't know what from a demon you know nothing about?"

Henry turned around and then walked away.

"Good." Dean rolled his eyes.

The four wandered into what looked like a comic book store.

Jessica walked around as Henry spoke to Sam and Dean.

Suddenly Henry laughed and Jessica turned around. "Like you could fit a computer in here."

The girl at the front counter looked at Henry strangely but then handed the Winchester's her computer.

Sam began to type on the computer and brought up a news article.

"On August 12, 1958. A tragic fire at a gentleman's club. Uh, 242 Gaines street."

"This is 242 Gaines street." Henry said. "But that was no fire."

"All the names you mentioned, they're deceased." Sam stood up.

"Albert Magnus."

"He a friend of yours?" Dean asked.

"Even better. Come on, I know where he'll be buried."

All three hunters followed Henry outside and got back into the Impala. Then, they headed off for another long drive.

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