Chapter Four

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I followed dad's directions and found myself in front of a shop. There were no lights coming from the front of the shop, signifying it's closed. But upon further inspection, there was a light coming from a back room. 

I walk up to the door to test it out, it slid open with ease. 'Guess they forgot to lock the doors...' I step in and hear what sounded like a crowd of people talking.

"Now calm down everyone, there's no need to get all riled up" That sounds like the old man...

"Hat and Clogs, they took Orihime! I can't just sit here and wait for a plan!" I walk closer to the sound of voices.

"We need to think rationally and not just jump in. We need a plan." What is going on?

"I say we just barge right in and fight whoever is in our way!" Who are they going to fight? Is Ichigo in danger?

The voices lead me to a closed door and before I had a chance to open it, a large man did. He was tan, tall, wore glasses and was slightly terrifying. He spoke "Kisuke, we seem to have a guest." The man from the bus poked his head from behind the freakishly tall man

He smiled "You came!" He was quick. Before I knew it, he grabbed my hand and dragged me into the room and sat me down on the floor.

"Midori....?" I didn't have a chance to take in my surroundings, I immediately looked up at the voice who said my name.

Sitting across from me, was an orange, spiky hair teenager. I tilted my head to the side "Ichigo? Is that really you?" Before I knew it, I was pulled into a hug and a million questions were asked once again.

"Midori! When did you get home? Does everyone at home know you're back? What are you doing here?" I laugh, patting his back and letting him know to release me from the hug. I take a step back and get a better look at him. 

He was a couple of inches taller than me. Looked more like a man the last time I remember seeing him. I smiled and patted his head "Looks like you finally grew!" He chuckled quietly but stopped when we were interrupted.

"Ichigo, who is this girl and why is she here?" A short, black haired girl looked at me sternly. 'How rude...' That's when I realized the room full of people staring at us. I felt a light blush formed on my cheeks out of embarrassment.

I bowed quickly and introduced myself "Midori Kurosaki" Everyone in the room yelled "KUROSAKI?!" They all stared at Ichigo, waiting for an explanation. 

He placed a hand behind his head and laughed nervously. "Yeah, she's my older sister. She hasn't been home for a long time" All eyes went back to me and I couldn't help but laugh nervously.

"Introductions seem to be in order!" The man from the bus, now known as Kisuke, announced to everyone in the room. 

A short, white spiky hair kid introduced himself first "Toshiro Hitsugaya" 

"Rukia Kuchiki" The black haired girl mumbled out, looking away from me.

"Renji Abarai" a long haired red head with tattoos waved at me. I waved back.

Someone grabbed my hand and gently stroked it "Yumichika Ayasegawa and might I just say, you are gorgeous." He smirked and started leaning towards my hand to give it a peck but a busty, orange haired girl pushed him out of the way and started scolding him.

"Now Yumichika, you can't come off too strong or else nobody is going to want to be with you!" She turned to look at me and introduced herself "My name is Rangiku Matsumoto!" I could hear Yumichika mumble out "You're one to talk...."

I glance around the room and greeting everyone. In the corner of my eye, I noticed one person who has yet to introduce himself. He was sitting by the window, staring outside. He was bald, had a red mark right by his eye, holding onto what looks like a wooden sword?

I start walking up to him but someone grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks. I look at the person and it was Yumichika. "He's....not in a talking mood right now. Something happened and he's not too happy about it. Maybe later, I can introduce you to him" Yumichika smiled and started pulling me away. 

I couldn't help but glance behind. Taking in a better look. He was in pretty rough shape. He had bandages covering his arms and a couple on his head. 'How come I never noticed before...?' 

Rukia cleared her throat "It was nice meeting you and all, but we have business that needs to be taken care of. So if you don't mind leaving-" Kisuke put his fan in front of Rukia's face to stop her from talking. She was not too happy but he started to talk.

"She is welcome here just like anyone else" Ichigo intervened "But Kisuke-" 

"She's a soul reaper, Ichigo" Kisuke spoke sternly, to grab everyone's attention. Ichigo just stared at me. "W-What?! For how long?"

I look down ashamed for keeping this from him, whispering "I found out....nine years ago...."


Sorry for the cliffhangers but it's honestly the best way for my writers block to not start and be a pain! 

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