Chapter Two

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(picture above is what your shikai looks like!)

I walked a little ways from the bus stop until a familiar building came into view. I couldn't help but smile and start to run towards Kurosaki Clinic. I was finally home.

I stopped right in front of the clinic, bending over to catch my breath. "All....that training....and I....still can't.....breath...." 

Sitting up straight and taking in a deep breath, I walked towards the familiar home. As I reached the door, I could hear dad being dad and other voices that weren't familiar but something about them felt familiar.

I raised my hand and knocked on the door. The chaos that was emitting from within came to a silence. 

"Now who could be here this late at night! I certainly hope no one is injured." I smiled, hearing dad come closer to the door. 

"Maybe someone needs help! Karin, we should prep a bed just in case?" Is that Yuzu talking?

"Yeah yeah. Let's just hurry up Yuzu" Karin?

The door unlocked and opened, the light hitting me just right. "No way....." I raised my hand and gave a lazy wave "Hi dad, it's been a long-" I couldn't even finish my sentence. Dad had me buried in his chest, giving me a bone crushing hug and crying. "MIDORI! YOU'VE COME BACK HOME!" He pushed me away and checked me out. "Look how much you've grown! And where did all of your hair go?! You used to have such beautiful hair like your mother!"

I grabbed his arms and lowered them away from my shoulders. "Dad, whose at the door?" a young girl with brown hair poked her head from behind dad. I moved around dad to get a better look at her. "Yuzu..." I whispered gently and smiled softly. I glanced behind Yuzu and there was a black haired girl, eyes wide. "Karin...." 

Tears welled up, my little sisters were growing up. "M-Midori? Is that really you?" Karin questioned as she took a step forward. All I could do was nod as I choked back a sob. Both Karin and Yuzu jumped in my arms. I embraced them tightly. 

"When did you get home?" "Are you staying for dinner?" "Where are you staying?"

I couldn't help but laugh at all of their questions and patted them both on the head before moving away from the hug. Karin looked at me with a blank face "I would say you can have one of our rooms, but dad decided to give Yuzu's room to Ichigo's friend, Rukia."

Dad immediately started to pout "You didn't have to say that Karin! I'm sure Midori wouldn't have a problem sleeping in a hospital bed!" "DAD!" Me, Karin, and Yuzu all yelled at him at the same time. He flinched, looking down and pouting.

Karin looked at me seriously, "So where are you staying? Do we need to make arrangements?" I shake my head no and walk past them, heading inside the house. "I put in a request for some apartments not far from here. I was just waiting for that request to be accepted before I traveled back home." I take off my shoes by the front door and walk further in. "That's good to hear! So will you be staying for dinner?" I smile and nod at Yuzu.

She immediately headed back to the kitchen to finish cooking. I look up the stairs and wonder about Ichigo. "He's not home yet. Some of his friends came over and they went out. Ichigo said he wasn't going to be home until later." I look at Karin "Any idea where he ran off to? I would like to at least see him before I head home tonight and start unpacking" She sat at the table lazily "Some place called Urahara's shop. He seems to go there a lot." 

I raised my eyebrow out of curiosity. "Is that far from here?" Karin shrugs, signifying that she wasn't really sure. Someone from behind cleared their throat to grab my attention. I turned around and it was dad, the look in his eyes was serious but his tone of voice was the same goofy tone.

"Before dinner, how about me and you go on a quick walk to catch up!" All I could do was nod my head in agreement.


Chapter 2 is done!! I hope it's enjoyable so far! Have a wonderful day! 

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