Part 3- Chasing Dreams

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Faury up there guys! Enjoy! 💓

It's him, the doctor from the other day...

Those were the words echoing through her mind, all through the five seconds that she stood there, looking eye to eye with them, even though they were separated by a considerable distance.

"Miss Coleman?"

"Ss—sir? I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a visitor"

"Forgive her Mr. Rogers, apparently, some people still haven't mastered the simple art of knocking" he said sarcastically, infuriating Maldives even more.

"I didn't know the door was open" she said through clenched teeth.

"Oh, you don't happen to be visually impelled do you? Or perhaps long-sighted?" he suggested with another hint of sarcasm.

"I would never open the door without his permission" she defended.

"Of course you wouldn't"


"That's enough Miss Coleman! Mr. Regan, I apologize for her rudeness, youngsters these days can be quite... ignorant you know"

"It's alright, I'll be on my way now"

"Thank you Mr. Regan, we look forward to seeing you on that day"

They exchanged pleasantries and bid each other farewell, all the while Maldives had been standing at the entrance of the door. Taking his leave, he approached the entrance where Maldives cleared her throat as she made way for him to pass through, trying as much as possible to avoid eye contact with him.

When he finally made his way through, she released a breath she didn't know she had held in all the while and took in the full smell of the cologne his absence left hanging in the air. It was strong and intoxicating, the kind that only came off of those expensive Armani suits the big men in all those charity events wore.

For some weird reason, she felt bad that he didn't say anything to her on his way out, even if it was one of his usual sarcastic remarks, but whatever!

"You may come in now Miss Coleman"  she heard his voice say. Taking a deep breath, she walked in, "Sir, I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.... "

"That's alright Maldives, I know how loose my door can be these days. I'm also sorry for using those harsh words earlier on, it's just that man, his name is Mr. Regan. He and his family are owners of a multinational gold mining company, and he happens to be the commencement speaker at this year's upcoming graduation ceremony. Their contributions to this school and this country at large cannot be overemphasized and it took a lot of convincing to get him to take on the role for us this year, apparently he's not very good with being in the public's eye so I was just trying to make a good impression"

"That's fine sir, and I'm sorry for sounding the way I did to him, I only got so defensive with because my last encounter with him was not so... "

"You've met him before? You two did appear to have known each other, the way you spoke "

"No—I mean yes, I saw him, but it was just a--um quick encounter at a coffee shop"

"Hmm...I see...alright, so what brings you here? Have a seat"

"Sir I—err—I was hoping to"

"Hoping to do what?"

"A--a lot happened in my life these past few months and for that reason, I couldn't meet up with the deadline for the submission of my project, and so I was hoping... "

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