Part 19- Regrets.

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I'm sooooooooooooooooo sorry about the delay in updates, been so caught up in situations, plus I haven't fixed my computer yet...but Thanks a bunch for sticking with us, Enjoy!💓

"Where the hell have you been? Feels like forever since I last saw you" Rachel enquired.

"Err...but we saw last night, didn't we? " Maldives stuttered.

"Yeah I know, just...I missed you is all!" she stated as jumped up on her for an unexpected hug. After Maldives had steadied herself from the impact of the hug, she returned the embrace but Rachel pulled back with little tears in her eyes.

Maldives was going to ask her why she had been crying when Rachel beat her to speaking, "You smell...different" she stated as she observed her from up to down.

"Different? How different? Oh my God, do I smell bad?!" Maldives asked as she began sniffing her armpits.

"No, not different in a bad way...just different like...I don't know, did you change deodorants or something?"

"No, I didn't..."She stated as she wondered what could have triggered the 'different' smell Rachel seemed to be adamant about. Unless...No wayyyyy!!! It can't be that...that his smell rubbed off on me?! That must be it! Jesus, fuck em designer bottles!

"I could be wrong, don't pay so much attention to me. Ever since this pregnancy, my sense organs have been all over the place. One time, I could sniff the bubble gum off of Gerald's mouth, and he wasn't even standing close to me.

"Oh wow, remind me to pay more attention to my personal hygiene from now on" she joked.

"Nah, you're how was the party last night? Meet anyone fun?" Rachel asked as she wriggled her brows.

" was was good..." she nodded convincingly.

" 'Good'?  That's all? Come on, give me  the full scoop! Did you meet someone nice? What did the foods taste like? I heard they were dancers, were there any good?"

"I only drank last night...and the Zulu dancers were good, although I didn't see so much of their dance because...because I--had a headache and I-I went to bed early..." she stuttered and finished her sentence with the clearing of her throat.

"Uh-huh..." Rachel said as she stared at her suspiciously, "...I'm not buying that"


"You wanna know what I think happened? I think you went for the party, got drunk, and got down with a fine Black man, that's what I think happened"

"What?!" Maldives asked surprised by her accurate assumptions. Well not so accurate, I did do all of those things, albeit with a White man...but seriously?! How's it that these MFs are able to predict me so well?!

"Honey, it's all over your face" Rachel said, as if answering her mind bugging question. She reads minds too?

"No I don't, you're just that predictable" she continued as they made their way to the hotel's parking lot. Breathe least she doesn't know you slept with your boss... Oh my God I slept with my boss! Not just once, but TWICE!

I is just once, based on the fact that it was during the same occasion, but still! I SLEPT WITH NY BOSS! Shit! The worst part, is I don't even feel bad about it! I know I sound like a slit right now, but it honestly felt so good!

Last night was amazing and this morning was even better. I loved every single bit of it...every single bit of him...until he fucking kicked me out of his room! It's not like he asked me to get my shit out, but " should go back to your room, we leave in an hour" wasn't exactly the kind of ending I was hoping for.

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