Part 43-Pathways.

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I know it's not Monday, but it's still this week 😣🙏🏾
Honestly guys, I really do hope to complete this story before the year ends.
Let's keep riding!!! 🤗

He smiled...

She looks even prettier than the last time I saw her... he thought to himself. He scanned her all around, and wondered what the reason could be  for her sudden elevated beauty.

Oh, right, there we go...he smiled even more, when he realized that she had been wearing her natural hair, and not the regular wigs she often wore back at Regal Corp.

Back when she still worked there, he had once asked her why she often wore wigs instead of her natural hair which he loved and adored. She had explained to him how his aunt Regina had prohibited her from doing so because it apparently 'didn't suit her working environment'.

Of course, he had tried convincing her to let him question her words, but Maldives being Maldives made him promise not to say a word about it.

" It'll give me the chance to flaunt my wigs anyways..." she had told him in her bid to persuade him to forget about the issue.

"You look beautiful" he said to her, as his fingers caressed the fallen locks of curls on either side of her face.

She smiled back. "Thanks...but what are you doing here?" she asked, furrowing at the situation at hand.

He squinted, confused by her words, until reality hit him. "Me? Oh—right,  well I'm here for a meeting...but the real question should be what are you doing here?"

"I work here"

"You w-what???" he echoed, finding it hard to come to terms with her words.

"I work here Fai, been working here for over two weeks now" she shrugged.

"Oh...I didn't expect that you'd find a new job so quickly..."

"Why? Because I'm a criminal???" she folded her arms defensively.

"No, because the world thinks you're a criminal—or thought, depending how you look at it" he reiterated.

"H-huh? What do you mean?" she questioned, and he smiled. "It means you can now return to Regal Corp."

"What? I-I dont understand—the money..."

"All sorted out" he informed proudly. She looked at him quizzically, clearly confused by the sudden change in situation. "What do you mean by 'all sorted out' Fai?"

Sighs "It means Schatz, that the situation has been resolved, I have finally proven your innocence, so you're free to return and resume your official duties"

"I-I am??? B-but how—"

"Amy. She's the one who framed you" he stated plainly.

"Amy??? As in your assistant??! B-but how—why??" she stammered along, finding it incredibly hard to process the newly acquired information.

"Yeah, I know, its pretty hard to believe, but I guess it is what it is" he shrugged with a sigh. I'll fill you in with the details later, but first, we need to—"

"Regan!" Fai heard a voice call from behind, halting him in his words.

Well, there goes...Fai found himself muttering as he watched the one guy whose face he was never enthusiastic to see, stride towards where they were stood.

"You know for a while, we didn't think you'd actually come..." Malcolm announced, his face beaming with his signature malicious grin.

Fai returned his look with less interest as his face now donned on his stoic doctor/business man expression. "Richards..."he greeted, offering him a curt nod, but apparently, the excessively cheerful man wasn't going to settle for just a formal gesture as he proceeded to offer Fai a brotherly pat across the back—one that didn't sit too well with him.

The Grey Patch (BWWM) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें