Part 4- Closing A Chapter.

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Brenda and Christian up there guys! Enjoy!

"...and so, as you progress in this journey called life, never forget the three things thatll lead you to your dreams; hard work, consistency and above all, forgiveness. Once again, congratulations to you all and good luck in your life ahead, thank you"  Fai concluded as the crowd burst into rounds of cheering and clapping.

It had been close to four months since Maldives turned in her project and she was more than happy that she heeded to Christian's advice of pleading with Mr. Rogers to enable her submit her project and graduate with her peers. Her mother, together with her friend, had flown all the way from Boston to come watch her bag her honorary award as the best graduating student of NYU.

She looked back at the crowd and spotted her mother with her aunt Natalie, shedding tears of joy as they held placards saying mother and aunt of the best graduating student Lord help my cheesy Nigerian mother!

"Yo Mal! You seen your momma telling the whole world you both share DNA?" Brenda said from beside her.

"Don't tell me about it, I don't think I can contain her now"

"At least you know she stan you a hundred, I'surprised my homies even  turned up today"

"Of course they did, they love you, why wouldnt they?"

"Yeah, right"

"Girlllsss!!! We made it!" Christian said as ran over to take his seat beside them

"Chris! Only you can manage to come late on a day like this" Maldives teased.

"Apparently, some things don't  change" Brenda threw in.

"Y'all need to take a chill pill, I had to take my time to look this good this. The photos we take today are going to be shown to our kids and grand kids, can't disappoint you know"

"You're something Christian"

"Yeah, I'm a biiiig something" he winked.

"Eeew!" Said Brenda with a scrunched face.

He then brought out his phone to take some selfies and make Snapchat videos with them.

"Hello America, and the whole world! We no longer have to stay up at night, doing books and shit" said Brenda with happiness.

"Err--we still have our Masters you know" Maldives said.

"Girl, why you gotta be a downer?" she hissed.
When they were done, Christian nudged Maldives, "Mal, are you okay?"

"W—why do you ask?" she stuttered.

"For someone who's about to receive what's basically the biggest award one could have for their bachelor's, you certainly don't look chirpy"

"Yeah, more like antsy" Brenda added.

"No guys, it's not's just...remember that doctor I told you guys about?"

"What doctor?" Brenda asked.

"Back when I was still going on with know"

"The snobbish one?"

"Yes, that one"

"What about him?"

"He's here"

"Here? Where? "Christian asked.

"Yes, show us so we can kick some ass!"

"Oh no, there's not gon' be kicking of any sorts"

"What? Why?" Chris asked.

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