Part 48- Mamma Mia!

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Just a day of not uploading, felt longer though...🤔
Anyways, enjoy! 😅

" you're really...not gonna talk to me?"

"Hm, I don't know Maldives, what do you think?" He responded without even sparing her a glance. She watched him steer his way through the numerous cars the crazily familiar city held.

His eyes were fixated upon the road, his gaze lowered very intensely, and she could see the squinted lines formed at the sides of his eyes-a sign that he wasn't exactly in the best of moods.

No doubt, he was mad. Mad at her, at him, the entire situation-which could have been altogether prevented if your Black ass had just listened to him! Now look what you caused, hm? Hope you' finally happy?!


Sighs. "Fai, I'm sorry, I really am..."she purred, looking to him for an inkling of hope that he was no longer mad at her. When after some seconds, she saw that no response was forthcoming from him, she glanced away and refocused her gaze on her side of the car windows.

Herr der Himmel ... (Lord of heavens...) he muttered in his native tongue. What to do with this woman...

He couldn't do it-couldn't stay mad at her for too long.

Bloody hell, it wasn't even as if he was actually mad at her, I mean yeah-her stubbornness drove him crazy, but he had long conceded to the fact that it was one of the many things he liked about her. It was a trait he admired at the same rate at which he endured it, and like it or not, he was going to have to build enough threshold for it, especially if they were going to go down the road which he intended for them to do.

"Oh shit! I think I left my bag back in the office" She said suddenly when she realized her phone had been missing.

"I'll have someone drop it by at your house later" he responded plainly. Probably out of guilt since he's the very reason I left it in the first place...pfftt...

Girl, the guts of you!

A man rescues you from a beast, literally, and all you can think about is how he's the reason you forgot your purse?!

Ungrateful bitch.

You should rot in hell...

No-wait, first, you should fuck Trump, then you burn in hell

And then afterwards, you can-

"Are you okay?"

"Hm-what?" she jerked in response as he interrupted her spiral of thoughts. It was also the first time he had ever really looked into her eyes since the car ride, and yeah-I was right, definitely been doing some thinking. Gosh, I feel so bad now--so guilty....

"Are you okay? How're you feeling?" he asked again as she struggled to put words together. "Um--guilty?"

"Guilty? Why? What did you do?" he queried unknowingly, which made her sigh at how petty he was being, or isn't he?

She rolled her eyes unimpressively. "Come on now, I know you blame for what know, with Malcolm"

"Malcolm? What-so you' guys on first name basis now?" he inquired in a voice that suggested there was something more. She stared back at him quizzically, raising her brow curiously while a smirk creased her face. "Is that jealousy I depict there doctor?"

"I/m not jealous! Why the fuck would I be jealous of that-bastard son of a bitch?! He and I-we're not comparable! In any way! And I would never be jealous of him! Never!" he finished, his thundered voice leaving an awkward vibration in the air between them.

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