Part 47- Shots & Roses.

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Happy Sunday everyone! 😇

"...awwnn, would you look at that! He's so fucking adorable!" Maldives cooed as she watched her godson spill some of his milk in his face through her FaceTime.

She could still remember it, like it was all just yesterday-the way she had felt, that morning when Fai had called to deliver the good news.

", apparently, I just got word that your godson has just been delievered..." He had announced like he had just been telling her what time it was.

"Wait-what?! Do you mean..."

"Yes, Rachel just gave birth" he chuckled.

"Oh My God! Are you serious now?! Please tell me you're not joking!" Maldives gasped, bursting in excitement as she danced all around her living room.

"Yes, it's true, and just so you know, the only reason I got the news before you is because I'm friends with Frank, and he-well, thought to call me first. I heard she's still even in the labor room"

"Do I even care?! Yo, I'm just excited! Over-joyed! Do you know what this means Fai? I'm now officially a mother! I mean not a real mother-but yeah, same thing! I'll be the 'cool mother', the one he runs to for excuses to sneak out of the house!' she joked happily while Fai chuckled along.

But that had been months ago, more than three months ago, "...and I have still not set eyes on my grandbaby! Girl, why y'all playin' with my feelings?!"

Maldives pouted through the phone while Rachel donned a sad smile. "I'm so sorry, believe me, I am. It's just-you know Fai, ever since I put to bed, he's insisted that I remain in Germany, at least for the time being, *Sighs* but thankfully, that's all gonna change soon right?"

"Yeah, thank the Heavens you're both returning next week, Lord knows I couldn't possibly survive another one without finally sqeezing those cute chubby cheeks of his, fuck! I just wanna mash them both in my hands!" She sighed, while she stared dreamily at the boy.

"Okay, first off, we are gonna have to talk about your language-use around my kid, no cursing around my boy!" she pointed at her, earning herself a snort in return. "Pfft, says the curse queen herself..."

"What-I have had to tone it down-well, just a little bit...mostly" she reiterated.
Maldives raised a brow at her. Hypocritic bitch.

"You know, I still don't get it! Why do people place this stupid rule against cursing in front of kids, when at the end of the day, we all know they are gonna grow up cursing either ways" Rachel lamented.

"Exactly! And it's not like they didn't even get to hear their parents do that whilst in the womb, especially while they' know... 'doing the do', see I recently read an article that talked about how babies can hear a lot of the sounds and noises in the outside world whilst still in the womb" Maldives explained.

"Really? They do? Oh my God, if that's the case, then 'this one' over here, is gonna turn out to be a: *Says in hushed tone*--motherfucking curse machine! Cause you know, I happen to do that a lot when I...when we-Frank and I..."

"Okay, Rach, I-for the nth time do not wanna hear about you and your husband's crazy sex life" Maldives cut her off .

She laughed at her supposed 'innocence', while she responded. "Right, but I wanna hear about your sex life, cause girl, you are certainly hitting it big! Doing that-"

"Hold on a sec-did you just say 'girl'???" she squinted.


"Oh my God Rachel! Have you been watching BET lately?!" Maldives gasped, her eyes bulging out as she tried to take in her new discovery. In fact, if she stopped to think about it, it wasn't just her colloquial expressions that had changed, her accent had done the same too.

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