Part 24- Coming to Truth.

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Guyyyyyyssssssss we're now at 1k+ reads! It's insaaaaannnee 🤯 Thank you Thank you thank you! 🙏🏾💘

Yesterday, a lot of you wanted to crush my head because of the cliff hanger 🤣🤣🤣
Fret no more! Here you go amigos...

"Yes...I can't stand the way I feel about you" he found himself say, to his and her surprise, but did he regret it? No.

Not an ounce of regret or doubt did he feel at confessing his feelings towards her. If anything, he felt relieved, like he had just taken off a huge weight off of his shoulders—or heart in this instance, but it was a good feeling over all.

"The way you feel about me? I—I don't understand..."

"It's exactly the way you heard it Miss Coleman...and you don't have to worry about understanding it...cause I don't understand it either" he revealed as he walked closer to her desk where she was sat.

"I—I don't know what to say...I mean I—I always thought you hated me...that you were mad at me an—and that you had all this anger towards me" she began explaining as she stood up from her chair and walked to towards the windows for some much-needed air.

"Oh I do have anger, a lot of it...but it's not because of the reasons you think" he stated and began recalling how stupid his actions towards her had been in the past, how he let his emotions cloud his judgment, and how he had been so insensitive to have seen her in the light at which he did in the past.

Faury was right, his actions were stupid, all of it, and now his bruised ego couldn't handle the fact that he was wrong in all. He couldn't handle the fact that he might have just lost what could have been, the cure to all his heart-held pain.

"What reasons—what reasons do you think are in my head?" she asked, turning over to face him once again, and it was only then she noticed the genuine pain and hurt his eyes held.

"You think I'm angry because I can't stand the fact that you've had an think I hate you for it"

"So you don't?" she asked, hoping her ears wouldn't be disappointed by the response he would give, but then he looked away, and in that moment, he heart sank.

"I did...I really did—and it was so stupid of me! You don't know how much I hate myself for it—the things that I thought about you...the names I called you—"

Oh Lord "You called me names?" she queried with confused brows.

"Um yeah, but not really—it was all in my head, I did it all in my head"

"Oh wow..." she inhaled and exhaled as she struggled to absorb it all in.

"Yeah, I know...really messed up, I really messed up...but all that was before you told me your story—all that was before you opened yourself up to me and shared your struggles with me and I—Fuck it mein Gott!" he cursed.

"It's all messed up, really...and you know I'm still surprised you didn't know it was a miscarriage and not an abortion, I thought these things are usually included in the patients' files"

"Yes they are, and perhaps that's where all these misconceptions began. You see in medicine, we often use the term 'incomplete abortion' to refer to any case where a developing foetus is passed out either due to a natural or induced factor —like abortion"

" when you saw that you thought—"

"Yeah, I automatically assumed you had an abortion" he swallowed.

"But even if Fai, even if I did undergo an —"

"I know I know, even if you did undergo an abortion, I had no right whatsoever to condemn you for it and I'm sorry, I really am" he pleaded and tears rolled down her eyes.

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