Part 41-All Roses Aren't Red.

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Didn't think I'd make an update huh??? 😏
Well, here you go....
This chapter is dedicated to bettylone evajayz Pridewoman25 and oluwakemie 😘😘😘😘

Now, hit the RESUME button 😜

" you go sir, your 'Espresso con panna', topped with whipped cream, just the way you like it" Maldives chimed as she placed the cup of hot-warm drink on the wooden desk of the man she now called Boss.

He sipped on it while she cautiously watched him to gauge his reaction.

I really do hope he likes it...can't have them firing me on day seven of my job here! She mumbled prayerfully, as she clung onto the last shred of luck she felt life held for her.

"Mhmm, fair I guess... at least it doesn't taste 'smoked' this time" he finally said, offering her a smile that made her know he appreciated her effort.

Smiling back in content, she proceeded to retrieve the large-sized tablet from her underarm, and began drawing up various tabs on it while she fed him with his schedules for the day.

"...virtual conference with stock brokers from Austria in forty minutes, briefing with primary members of the board follows right after...aaannd I've slated that to last for an hour-thirty minutes-tops, so you can have time to attend your son's football game, he called in some minutes and-"

"Cancel" he interrupted abruptly.


"The football game-take that out" Malcolm said as he returned to typing away on his computer. Maldives stared down at him, a look of confusion creasing her face. "You're not gonna attend your son's football game?" she repeated, more for her own clarification, than his inaudibility.

He stared back at her, his face expressing indifference at the subject, which made her clear her throat and nod in acknowledgment.

Wow, rich men and their misplaced priorities...Maldives thought to herself, while she read on the rest of his proposed agenda for the day.

"...lastly, you'll be meeting up with-it says here 'an old business client' " she squinted as she tried deciphering what the statement meant. Okay, awkward...she thought as she wondered why the receptionist who handed her the itineraries chose to keep the name of the said client anonymous.

She sighed.

Probably cause I'm still in the 'probation period' she deduced as she remembered the list of conditions they had placed her on before she had been offered the job-the aftermath of her disheartening predicament.

"...You'll have a job...but I'm afraid, even though you do have the necessary qualifications and requirements, we can't offer you the role an accountant, or any other positions relating to know, with your history and, that means no accounts-or finances, your movements around here will also be restricted...I believe it's the least I can do..."

" 'Restricted?' " She had asked.

"Yes, 'restricted', at least for the time being, until you get cleared of all accusations..." Malcolm Richards, her new boss had explained to her on the day of her job interview.

She had felt disappointed but had accepted the offer anyway, as she had initially prepared her heart for the worst.

In fact, if she was being truly sincere with herself, she dident exactly expect to even land a job in the first place. An impending debt of almost three hundred thousand dollars, coupled with criminal charges hanging by a very very thin thread over head, and Regina's influence-yeah, there's no way in hell I still have that much luck spared for me, not when I'm sure the 'Big guy up there' has finally deserted me for my sins... she had conceded, but alas, her 'Big guy' had proven her wrong.

The Grey Patch (BWWM) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ