Part 44- Forward.

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Our #FaVes are back!!! 😆😋
Ghost readers, how are you??? 😏


"Again, exactly why ain't you returning to REGAL Corp.? Cause I seriously don't seem to get it-"

"Yeah, I agree with her, and if you ask me, I don't think Dr. Stiff Face would ever ask you to do something if it didn't come from a good place" Christian chipped in, earning another huff of frustration from Maldives.

She had had it. She had seriously had it with them.

Ever since they arrived at the salon, having what was supposed to be a 'relaxation and rehydration therapy for the body and mind', they had given her the exact opposite of that.

The gang had spent the last twenty minutes or so bombarding her with all sorts of questions, complaints, and suggestions, and if it wasn't for the soul-clenching fact that she in all honesty owed the lot a lifetime of favors, Maldives swore she'd have grabbed a pair of scissors off of the hands of the hairdresser who currently tended to her hair, and scissorsed their mouths outta their face!
Dammit! Can't a lady breathe around here?!

Also, there was the fact that she knew that despite how itchy their banter often seemed, it all came from a good place.

"Guys, I said it before, numerous reasons! Okay, first, I need all the flexibility I can get at this point in my life, cause I just wanna be done with this Masters as soon as possible. Then, there's the fact that I don't think they'd ever really take me back with open arms"

"But you said that he said that it was all good now, and that you were free to return" Chris interjected.

"Yeah, but you and I know that's just Fai being Fai. Yes, I might be free to return, but think about how everyone's gonna react seeing me back there? Especially now that they all know about our relationship"

"Mmhmm...and especially now that you both said your 'I love you's eyy?" he wriggled his brows teasingly against her as he watched his best friend try hard to conceal the building embarrassment, but failing woefully at it.

"Wait-what??? Did I miss something?" Brenda asked from the left corner of her eyes as she struggled to keep up with their chit-chat because the annoyingly slow hairdresser had had her hair in the washing basin for over the past fifteen minutes.

"Oh, you didn't hear?" Christian asked her.

"Hear what?! How tf am I supposed to hear anything when-" the rest of her words came out in muffled tone as she did her best to convey her frustrations in the most discrete way manageable. Luckily for her, her buddies understood just every bit of the gesture, but what didn't sit well with her was the failed muffled laughter they tried to conceal.

"Oh you guys wait till I'm done! you'll get what's comin' for you!" She shot at them, but knowing Brenda was mostly talk and no game, they waved her off.

"Anyways, to cool your burning ears just a lil bit, apparently, home girl over here, spilled the beans to the doctor some weeks ago, and confessed her she felt about him"

"Wait-what??? You love him?!" She gasped out loud, to Christian and Maldives' confusion.

She furrowed, "Yeah, I do...why, is something wrong?"

"Um-no" she swallowed, by this time, the hairdresser had finally brought her head back up, bringing her gaze to gaze with their questioning eyes. "I mean, who'd have thought right? That you'd end up falling for the dude" *Clears her throat*

"Well, I guess no one really, but then again, in my defense, he is pretty hard to resist"

"True that!" Christian added, a little too enthusiastically, and Maldives scoffed at him. "You're unbelievable Christian"

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