Chapter 49

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Oreana has been watching me since we got here, her eyes are always following my every move. I know what she wants, she did ask me to come up with a plan, but in all honesty, it slipped my mind. And when I did have time to think and plot, I couldn't come up with anything. Nothing less brutal then what her plan is going to be.

No matter what Skye said, I can't let it go, for some reason. Why even use actors in place of officers? It is not like any of those imposters are weak, they don't look weak physically. Kay and every other officer I have seen were heavily muscled, almost like actual officers. But the malice bleaching out of them?

I shook my head at the thought, this has been pinching at my conscious all day and even after so much thinking I couldn't come up with any logical reasoning for my unexplained doubts.

"Okay Seri, try again," I urged the little girl to try to stop my knife mid-air. I raise my palm facing down parallel to the floor and create a knife.

"I am going to drop the knife. Just concentrate on stopping it mid-air okay. Imagine that you are holding it with your colour, like catching a ball." I looked her in the eye, speaking slowly and nodding at her so that she understands. Seri nodded back at me, bobbing her head in excitement.

"Morean common do it fast, it has been three tries already." A little boy of Seri's age groaned at her and I was instantly reminded of how this used to be a usual occurrence when I was their age, when I had just found my colour, colours.

"Pico, let her concentrate, everyone is going to get a chance" I reproached him, probably sounding like a mom. Pico folded his arms with a pout and looked away like a petulant child. I smiled at that, neither Skye nor Zane can take their attitude. That is why Zane is training the teens and Skye is coaching the older ones, leaving me to do the delicate work of teaching the kids.

"Try again." I stood up from the crouch and resumed the position, my palm facing down. A dagger integrated in the air, the size of my palm, its tip facing down.

I evoked my grip on my coloured knife and let it fall under gravity. The knife stopped a couple of inches from my hand and then slipped again twice, like invisible hands trying to catch it. It stopped a feet above the ground and I withdrew it, letting it dissolve back to me once I was sure it is stable. I smiled at Seri who had her hands out to project her colour.

Oreana stood behind the queue and jerked her head in the direction of the office, I nodded at her and took a gulp of breath to prepare myself.

"I will be back in a minute and then we will start with Pico. Pico practice with Morian, I want good results from you." I said and he beamed at me. I smiled back but it quickly melted away when I turned my back to them.

I walked into the small office, behind me Oreana, Skye, Jerrek and Zane followed suit. Zane closed the door and leaned on it, crossing his legs in a stance of ease. Jerrek took a chair and I mimicked him, sitting down on the wooden chair behind me. That seems to have sent a message because Oreana and Skye both sat down.

"No, I don't have a plan." I got straight to the point and gave her what she wanted to hear from me. Oreana gave me a simple nod, not a smirk or a taunt just a blank expression. She knew that I won't be able to come up with something else in a matter of a day, but she still gave me time to consider it.

"So," She knitted her hands together and placed them on the table, "are you both willing to hear our plan?" Oreana proposed, studying our reaction, but I am ready with my answer.

"Yes, what are your plans?" I nodded at her. Whatever her plan is, I won't let it be implemented without any changes that is for sure.

"Xile." she said the one word in a collected tone. But it caused a tremor of surprise in me. My lips parted at her statement, and I widened my eyes at her.

ColourlessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora