Chapter 20

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" What are you doing here," we both said at the same time, but mine came out muffled with the toothpaste in my mouth.

I quickly spit it in the sink and propped a hand on my hips.

"Why are you in my bathroom?" I questioned him again while trying to not feel embarrassed about my appearance.

" This is my bathroom. It is connected to the guest room." He answered and casually stood beside me, rinsing his brush.

" Ok then get out I need privacy" I answered annoyed at my embarrassment and at the quickly growing blush.

" What do you need privacy for, you are brushing your teeth" he replied, squeezing the toothpaste on his brush.

" My teeth need some privacy so respect that." I grumbled, flustered, and immediately wanted to smack myself, again.

Zane chuckled at my expense, on the joke, or on my embarrassment I had no idea.

He started brushing his teeth, smiling at me teasingly. I quickly rinsed my mouth, desperate to run from any more embarrassment. Putting my brush in the holder I exited the bathroom, slamming the door closed on the way.

Ariel this is not your house you can't slam doors here. I reminded myself of that and approached the bed with lazy steps

I climbed on the bed and fell back landing on the billow. My body groaned in relief on contact with the mattress. I sighed and turned on the bed, stretching my arms and legs a little before finding a comfortable position. I placed my hand under my head and my eyes started dropping, I yawned and within minutes I was out like a sloth.


Something vibrated on the bed and I instinctively reached my hand near the pillow to shut my phone off.

It was still buzzing, I brought the screen in my line of view and squinted at it.

Blinking I tried to adjust to the sudden brightness, almost getting blind in the process.

34 messages in group chat.

If I could, I would have roared my displeasure at being disturbed from my slumber. Instead I swiped the phone open and read the chat.

After reading a few messages I reached a conclusion.

These morons were talking nonsense in the middle of the night, that too on the group chat.

I typed a reply with unfocused eyes on the small keypad, wanting to shut them up and go to sleep.

What the hell, I was sleeping -

They didn't let me sleep either- Banno

Lol, you are up- Thane

Lol, I almost killed u in my sleep-

Chill, Ariel it is the first day of the break- Valeina

Besides, we didn't get to have our movie night without you- Thane

I miss u all- you

Aw, we miss u 2- Valenia

when r u coming back?- Maven

In 2 days-

I heard movement in the bathroom, through the thin wall. I propped myself on my elbows, fully awake.

Light was spilling out from under the door and into the room. Minutes later it was turned off and the door soundlessly closed.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone again.

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