Chapter 40

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After a warm family breakfast I found myself alone with Nanu again. Skye and Nanna had wen off to fix something leaving us in the living room.

I sat on the sofa with Nanu, fiddling with my fingers as I recited the apology in my head.

" I am sorry Nanu" I muttered in a heavy voice, guilt weighing my head own. I stared at my toes to avoid meeting his eyes.

" For what sweets? " Nanu asked casually and I took in a deep breath. He is just like dad when it comes to this. Dad would just purse his lips in a thin line whenever we acted out and we would immediately feel so guilty.

" For talking to you like that and for how I-, how I told you about Ash" I whispered quietly.

" Ariel, I have lived alone for so long and even after I reunited with your grandma I still thought I will die without ever seeing my grandkids. You can speak to me like that a thousand times and I wouldn't even flinch," he spoke patting my head lovingly. I swallowed in embarrassment.

" About Ash, he is colourless too" I whispered softly and looked up at him. He closed his eyes in understanding and released a defeated sigh.

" Yes, I know," he said and I avoided his eyes again. Nanu thinks it is his fault.

" What about you Ariel?" I eyes snapped to him, baffled at his question, and surprised how fast he connected the dots.

I stammered, not knowing what to answer him. He nodded in understanding and leaned back on the sofa not probing me further.

I should tell him. He deserves to know.

I extended my palm to him and let my colours wash out in three distinct strips. Wine red. Electric blue. Pale purple.

I studied his reaction, Nanu's eyes widened and then a soft smile graced his face. He looked up at me, tearing his eyes away from my hand. Moisture outlined his crinkled eyes.

" It is a blessing Ariel" He whispered, I simply folded my hand back. I already know that. I am proud of my colours even when I had to train through sweat and tears to control them I never once cursed my blessing.

No words were spoken as a comforting silence stretched between us. We didn't need words to communicate just feelings and understanding. It was a wonderful feeling, although I have known my Nanu for less than 24 hours but I still felt connected to him.

" Why do you think Ash is colourless?" I voiced a question to him. Mom had told us that Nanu is a PhD in Color Theory.

" I think it is genetic. I am colourless and so is Ash, but I didn't get to research on it." Nanu said regrettably.

" How can it be genetic, colours are not hereditary?" I questioned.

" You are right, we have analyzed pedigree of many families but colours are not like trait inheritance. They are unpredictable and cannot be traced."

" Then"

" But maybe having a colour or lacking it is based on genetics. I am colourless so is Ash.-" Nanu hesitated and I leaned forward urging him to continue. " That is why we are isolated, so that colourlessness doesn't get transmitted into the rest of the population. We came to that accept that long ago"

What he said made sense, Zane is colourless and so is his mother, the siblings from last night were colourless too. But that is it, what about the new ones being brought in, if they have been isolating people here then there should not be any chance for more colourless to be identified.

"Granted that Ash is your grandson and colourless but what about the rest. The ones that are being brought now" I asked with a frown, it doesn't add up. It just seems like a front, a reason to discriminate against colourless. Something they can advertise if anything goes wrong.

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