Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Bakugou's POV

The Bee Movie. The. God-forbidden. Bee. Movie.

My god this has to be some kind of cruel joke sent from god himself just to spite me. I am finally being punished for my wrong doings- albeit a rough and completely uncalled for penalty that most definitely outweighs anything that I have ever done in the history of freaking time.

But Kirishima will be there, so I guess it can't be THAT bad. 

The stupid event takes place an hour after dinner; which we just so happen to be partaking in at the moment. The dumb movie should last around an hour and thirty minutes. One hour and thirty minutes of absolute hell where I most certainly will NOT spend the majority of the time hiding in the bathroom. Why would I do that? How dare you accuse me of doing such.

"-ad no clue you weren't allowed to use your quirk in the pool, sorry Kachan." Kaminari apologized hollowly- clearly holding back his stupid grin at the use of MY childhood name.

I've never had a hard time reading dunce-face's lips- the way he talks and sputters his words is far too pronounced. Now if I tried this with a drabber character, like Icyhot, for example, he slurs his words and mumbles too much for me to read anything. Like reading in a dark room.

"Screw off."

"Yea, there are a lot of posted signs, and the counselors did give a fifteen-minute lecture about it." Kirishima sits next to me, his voice is somewhat audible, but most of it is lost in the cafeteria's lively buzzing.

At some point I space off, not sure if it's too much stimulus or the lack of a specific voice to focus on. It's all blurred together like some stupid smoothie my mom would make me drink. Word of advice, Mitsuki, Spinach doesn't belong in any form of beverage.

At some other point, I could very well just focus on Kirishima. I mean, he's right there, having a light-hearted argument with some dumb lightening streaked blond. Smiling like an idiot whilst I have not the slightest clue what he's saying.

It feels almost like a dream, watching the other do completely normal things like eat and speak. Y'know, things literally any functioning human being does. But it's amplified to look and feel so freaking good; like giving my head a good ol' pat on the back. Job well done champ, you managed to not screw up this acquaintanceship.

'You okay?' The aforementioned redhead turns to me; the sign he's using is starting to become more muscle memory than anything at this point.

"S' fine, just loud." I turn back to my plate, narrowing my focus and burning holes through my fatty pork chop. Tuning out the world can help sometimes, other times just thinking of the action will send you into an aggressive state, at least for me it will.

'Just loud,' was an understatement. A very large understatement; I mean, it is loud, but that's not all that the statement entails. It's like a large group of flies is swarming my ears- no exact sound to pick out- just an ocean of static.

As expected, my heart rate begins to speed up like some dumb anime protagonist who slept in late and has to use god tier speed just to make it to their first period. It begins to make my head feel dizzy, so much blood rushing through my body without any action to accompany it.

My palms begin to heat up; but I'll be damned if I storm out of the cafeteria while Dunce face is still very clearly trying to get me to join the conversation. It'll make me look like a bratty kid who didn't get their way, which I most definitely am not.

And Also I'm Really Scared 「kiribaku fic with deaf Bakugou au」Where stories live. Discover now