Chapter Three

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Kirishima's POV

"Teach me how to sign."


My heart sunk a little. I just wanted to talk to my bro in a medium that he'd be comfortable with! I frowned a bit to show my disappointment, in which the other didn't pick up on. So, I whined and whimpered.

"Oh my god shut up, you're worse than a dog." Bakugou growled, folding his clothes. It was past 9 pm- meaning the blond was more grumpy than usual.

"I'd be quiet if you taught meeeeee."

I heard a huff and felt a dip in my bed. I smiled wide and watched as he pressed the back of his left hand to this jaw and twisted outwards.


I stared blankly and groaned into my hands. "That's where we're starting?" I mumbled.

"I saw you call dunce-face that in the pool." He was going to be a pain, I should've waited till the morning to ask.

"Aw, you're so considerate."  I repeated the sign that Bakugou had just made. "So, you're teaching me?"

There was a pause before he signed again.

'No, whore.' He had a shit eating smirk on. A whole smirk, straight teeth that pointed at the fangs. Straight, unlike my state of mind right now. Wait no I mean-

"Fifteen minutes. I'm tired." He seems to have hit the level of tired where he's just,,, mellow,,, I kind of like it, but in a bro way, you know-?

"Ah! You're the best Bakubro!" I was practically shaking in excitement.

   There was a moment of silence because Bakugou signed again. Pressing his hand to his chest then moving an index finger from his ear to his mouth. "I'm deaf."

I repeated the motion, the blond occasionally correcting me. He took my hands and would mold them into the right motion. My skin tingled when he touched me, I wonder if he felt the same thing.

   This called for an ultimate homosexual awakening at summer camp level of experimentation. Pressing my hand to his chest, I looked at his eyes and moved my index finger from the lobe of his ear to his lips. There was a moment of silence. Silence where the air is screaming for a break.

   I left my finger on his bottom lip, dragging it down a bit. My heart was one pulse away from clawing it's way out of my chest just to hold Bakugou's hand- because I certainly was not any time soon. He looked,,, shocked..? Confused, more than anything. It was probably just the lighting of my fairy lights that I had brought, but it looked like the other was blushing.

"Like that?" I spoke softly and slowly so he could possibly read my lips- he'd already removed the aids for the night.

I've never seen Bakugou embarrassed before, but if he was, I'd say he'd resemble a lot of the expression he was holding now. Wide eyes, mouth slightly open, and his cheeks having been lightly dusted with a pink.

"That's not how it fricken works, idiot." He flicked my hand off and slid off the bed. He seemed upset but,, a different kind of upset. A new kind of upset? Needless to say, I was rather proud of this new discovery.

   I've only ever seen Bakugou as a friend. I still do, I just want to be his friend and offer help when he needs. Watch him get better with social interactions- help him with the interactions. Help him form closer attachments to people... maybe... hold his hand... live in an apartment together... and raise a cat.... but as a friend!

I just,,, want to help. I'm not good at it but, I'm certainly going to try!

"You're unbearable." Bakugou grumbled. Curling up in his bed. I smiled and mumbled a goodnight.

And Also I'm Really Scared 「kiribaku fic with deaf Bakugou au」Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant