Chapter Twenty-Six

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Bakugou's POV

"You can go in first." I turn my head to the side so I could hopefully catch any words of protest that he throws my way. It's bad enough most of the room is covered in a thin fog of steam, not to mention the blaring (but very distant) sound of running water that had practically been screeching not even two seconds ago, I really don't want to hear an argument from this kid.

"Nah," Of course, should've expected as much. "you go ahead, I still need to shave."

I hum in acknowledgement before stumbling over the side of the tub to pull my sweatpants off, not really processing what the other had said except that it was a blatant disagreement to my basic decency until I remembered the annoyingly scarce amount of hair on the others face. God, if you're going to grow facial hair, freaking commit to it! Don't just sprout a few dog hairs then call it a day, Jesus.

"Razors are in my top drawer." I call out to the redhead who had already left the room, seemingly in a fuss. The idiot needs to calm down a bit, he sees one shirtless guy and starts steaming at the ears.

I can barely even hear a mumble of his response from the other room. It pisses me off to the point that I feel a few crackles in my palms while I claw at my ears. I'm nowhere near mad at Kirishima, it's not his fault that my eardrums are a couple of pussies.

I force my hands away from my head before I cause more damage to the mentioned membrane, only to snake them down to my waist so I can remove my boxers. I hate to say it, but I think Kirishima had a point, things are kind of different now.

Whatever, don't be a wimp Kastuki, take the underwear off. C'mon man, one swift movement, it's not that big of a deal at all! Like I said, I've bathed with that stupid redhead before, I can do it again whilst paying zero attention to the lack of other people in the room.

I slip them off without any more problems before sliding into the bathtub. I made the water way too hot; my skin is freaking burning at this point. Which kind of feels good, I guess. Not in a sexual way, more like, man my body was in pain before, but now it's in a lot more pain which drowns out the hurt that was initially stated, nice.

I lean back and brush my hand against some of the bubbles. God its weird bathing with them. I've never really made a habit out of taking baths, and definitely not bubble baths. They're just awkward, not to mention how you're just soaking in your own filth.

But they do feel nice on the muscles, I guess. And I've heard Kirishima ramble about how its "manly" to bathe with your homies, which had suddenly flipped the topic to self-care and how using product can also be "manly". Maybe I should try one of those face masks or freaking whatever with him.

"For someone who agrees men should use facial products, you really don't have any aH-" Speak of the devil- meaning both the subject and person, that is.

"You forget about my quirk a lot." I sink further into the tub, suddenly a bit conscious about the gaps between groups of bubbles.

"H ah- I heard nitroglycerin can be used for anal fissures but uh, skincare?" He laughs, completely red in the face while making his way to the sink- shaving cream and razor in hand.

"Oh my god wha t?" I try not to throw up at the mention of anal fissures. "It's nitroglycerin on my hands, the rest is just glycerin, like my freaking mom."

"Ooh, that explains why you look like a baby." He grins toothily and I ignore how cute he looks.

"I'll drown you."

And Also I'm Really Scared 「kiribaku fic with deaf Bakugou au」Where stories live. Discover now