Chapter Thirteen

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Bakugou's POV

Kirishima is planning something. Listen, I literally have not one piece of proof, but I can feel it. He's acting extra clingy and more lost in thought than usual. When I say more than ususal, I mean, way more than usual. The kid usually shares every bit of information that comes to mind- but now he's just silently thinking. Which is borderline terrifying. 

We're sitting in our room together now. Kirishima is writing in his little notebook, which I can only assume is a diary of some sorts. He looks jittery and tired and dubious all at once- a soft sparkle in his eyes. 

I can't tell you how many times I've thought about snatching the book from his hands and reading it aloud just to see his reaction and tease him. But I also wonder if I want to know what's been written in there. "Bakugou is staring at me again, what a nutcase."

I'm watching him from the sink. (There are two sinks, one's outside the bathroom, one is inside.) Brushing my teeth more gentle than usual, I've noticed my teeth get more sensitive when I use my usual tactic of scrubbing.

I watch the redhead scribble away at the paper. I hate his stupid chicken scratch excuse of handwriting. Looks like a freaking dog tried using their tail to write a simple sentence onto the paper before practically inhaling the entire notebook. You should see his English writing.

I wash my mouth before groaning over to lay onto my bed. The covers and mattress are cold and welcoming. I swear I could go to bed right now, but dumb hair said he had 'an idea', which is impressive, so of course I'd love to see it.

I mean not love; I'd enjoy seeing it? No, that sounds weird too. What I'm trying to say is whatever this dumb kid has planned he's probably going to drag me into it anyways. So, there's not point in going to bed if I'm just going to be woken up in five minutes.

But gosh dang the coolness of my comforter feels like absolute heaven. And if I were to just... roll onto my side... and... watch the other write... in his presumed diary... Haha, yea, that feels nice. Wait no, murder explosions uh-

"Okay, so I was thinking that since you don't-" The redhead begins putting his little book away before there was a soft rasp on our door before a painstakingly familiar voice started its attempt at giving me a full blown headache.

"Guys! One of the other counselors brought their cabin over and we're going to play never have I ever! You don't have to come but I really think you'd love it, especially Kirishima since you usually love frilly games like this! Plus, there's snacks and-"

"Dude I'm totally in!" The redhead practically fell off his bed before shooting towards his friend.

I subconsciously rub my temples and bury my face into my pillow. Yeah right, go hang out with even more people when I can barely stand being around one person? No freaking way, plus I about to take my hearing aids out anyw-

"Never have I ever broken a lamp."

"That's stupidly specific, Denki."

Okay listen. I had a moment of weakness. Kirishima made those stupid little puppy dog eyes before squeezing one of my hands and dragging me out of our room. What was I supposed to do? Tell him to shove off? Haha... yea.

I put a finger down. I'll agree with Shinsou, hat was a stupidly specific question. Not that it was purposefully directed towards me. There's no way dunce face knows about how I broke a lamp while playing Guitar Hero.

"How'd you break it Sho?" Midoriya laughs full heartedly, oh jeez, don't catch feelings again Katsuki, that's the last thing you need right now.

No one else put their finger down besides Todoroki and I. "I was making Dinner."

And Also I'm Really Scared 「kiribaku fic with deaf Bakugou au」Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu