Chapter Six

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Bakugou's POV (wow this is new)

This is so stupid. I shouldn't have come to this stupid camp- we've barely even done any physical activities. This crap show is supposed to be extra training outside of class! Yet here I am. Talking to dunce face about plastic freaking babies.

The cafeteria is buzzing, and I hate it. People moving near me like freaking water around some stinkin' driftwood. My chest is tight, and my throat is dry and itchy. I just want to run out of here like I'm having some sort of psychotic episode. Freaking stupid.

Where'd dumb hair run off to?

He usually helps me order. Stupid cafeteria, I can't hear what the poor lunch lady it trying to freaking literate. When my time comes to order, my throat closes and I overcompensate my volume for feeling so small.

I wish hearing aids could block out certain noises. Chattering in large gatherings, crying babies, midnights lectures, (How does she modern hero art history sound sexual??) I really wish it could block out the feedback from showering and sleeping in a bed.

I want to yell at the brunette behind me, he keeps bumping into me. I can't be touched without wanting to throw up and evacuate the scene. I can't remember the last time I have a hug; I think it was somewhere in freshman year. All Might, If I remember correctly.

That's a stupid subject to think about. Stop, no, nope, no physical contact. Sir, please for the love of all things holy and beautiful and for the sake of Kirishima's incredibly ridiculous platform crocs, stop stabbing your elbow into my back or I will flip my lid.

Stupid platform crocs. Who made platform crocs?? Who thought it would be a good idea to take already ridiculous looking shoes made of freaking rubber, and made them into platforms??? Dumb hair doesn't even wear them, I swear he just puts them between our beds to tease me.

I am neck deep in crocs, nobody needs four pairs of crocs, one of which being styled like platforms. I bet the idiot has more crocs at home. I've never been in his house, when we hangout it's always at my place, his parents don't like guests, I guess? But I'm going out on a limb here and taking an educated guess that his stupid closet is full of those stupid rubber shoes. Platform freaking crocs.

I find a seat and eat angrily. I calm down and try to drink my chocolate milk without having a mental freaking breakdown. Choccy miwk and cwying is the best way to end luwnch bawkugou. Shut up inner monologue, I don't want to hear this tomfoolery.

Trust me, I am not being dramatic when I say that, If Sero talks with his mouth full one more time, I am going to crap my pants. Deliberately. This scene is going to look like something straight out of some scary scat one shot.

I can't spot the dumb redhead anywhere. He probably took of to sob in the bathroom, and I don't blame him. If have to choke down one more order of this overcooked rice, that is basically soup at this point, I will sever and eat my own freaking kneecaps.

Choccy milk...


Turns out Kirishima was actually having a good cry in the bathroom... Again. I'm ready to lace a juice box with some of my Lexipro and force it down his throat.

I'm not sure if he's crying though. I went to take a pee and boom; I see crocs in one of the stalls. Bright, ugly, red crocs. These stupid things are following me everywhere I go. Even going as far as to tantalize me in the safety of a urinal.

"Kirishima?" The dumb rubber shoes have a shark jewel in one of the ugly holes. Glittering like some crappy butt plug.

"... Bro?"

And Also I'm Really Scared 「kiribaku fic with deaf Bakugou au」Where stories live. Discover now