Chapter Twenty-Two

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Bakugou's POV

Yea, the sky is freaking pretty or whatever. It's a freaking gorgeous contrast from the stupid drywall and obviously fake wooden logs that I've been having to stare at in my room all freaking day and night. (No, I haven't slept in two days. No, I'm not okay.)

It's a soft temperature outside; a soft wind accompanied by the suns warming rays. If it weren't for the fact that the guy I really freaking like with my whole heart, and even though I get these feelings towards people a lot I usually have a pretty easy time avoiding and overall ignoring the crush but that is clearly not the case here because its been far more than a year and I still want to kiss his stupid freaking face, is walking right behind me, and lugging trash along with him.

Just the situation itself makes me want to blow myself up into the sky and make no attempt of having a safe landing. Like, this is the first time a crush has ever lasted this long for me, and no matter how hard I try, I just can't freaking shake it!

And what pisses me off even more is how I'm starting to think that possibly, just maybe, if I act on these feelings now, my emotional status will be safe and securely guarded by time I graduate and start my freaking career. Hopefully being able to forget this whole ordeal by then.

But another part of my gut tells me that this isn't just a simple crush and that these feelings will remain even after I graduate. Whether I act on them or not, I sincerely think I won't be able to shake these emotions, and I certainly won't be able to shove the redhead away, that's a no-brainer.

That depends if I ever figure out how to fix the situation. I mean, the other is clearly in a state of uncomfortableness whenever I even get close to him, which is my very good explanation for blowing him up and pushing him over in our training session. It seriously pisses me off how freaking mad he is at me when he's the freaking one who is freaking blowing this situation out of freaking proportion!

I clench my fist around the garbage bag and feel myself start to walk in the awkward manner that always earns myself a slap upside the head from my mother. We pass the pool and my anger only grows, like, it grows to the point where I'm scarily close to snapping and screwing up what little of an acquaintanceship (if you'd even call it that anymore) I have left with Kirishima.

Doesn't help that we're about a mile away from the cabins now and I could easily pick a freaking fight with dumb hair and get away with it. Not to mention the other doesn't have the heart to rat me out to the others. The perfect crime.

The fact that that thought even came to my head pisses me off even freaking more. Which is outstanding, its like my stupid head is finally giving into its true nature and I'm finally reaching incredibly high levels of anger. Maximum freaking capacity.

I dig my nails into my palm as smoke secretes from my tendrils. I need to get rid of these freaking bags of rubbish before an explosion goes off in my hand and ends up making the garbage go flying everywhere. That's one way to spend the rest of this already terrible evening.

Then again, its only terrible because I'm making it terrible. I very well could be approaching this situation with a semi positive attitude, (which in my case, would translate to- approaching this situation with a little bit less anger than usual) but no, I'm grumpy and irritated and very close to beating someone up.

The stupid big metal blue thing that you throw your trash bags in comes into sight, I'm really freaking tempted to just throw the trash from the spot where I'm standing, which happens to be ten feel away from the fricken thing. What the hell do you even call those things anyways?? Waste containers??

And Also I'm Really Scared 「kiribaku fic with deaf Bakugou au」Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon