Chapter Twenty-Three

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Kirishima's POV

Oh my god, you have to be joking me. Just when we were making just the slightest bit of progress (if you'd call smashing someone against a dumpster and earning yourself a possibly broken nose progress) he freaking takes off into the woods.

Well its too freaking late now. If he expects to get off the hook after nearly breaking my nose and saying a bunch of stuff in sign language which I could barely make out besides 'like', 'kiss', 'need' and the few cursed he was mumbling, he's dead friggen wrong. 

I groan and attempt to steady myself before wiping my nose and taking off and into the woods. Whether I wanted to communicate with Bakugou or not, I would have taken off after him anyways. I'm not letting an incredibly unstable teenager that is hard of hearing into the woods while the sun is setting.

Not to mention the fact that if I were to return to the cabin without Bakugou at my tail, I'd probably get big time trouble. And having to deal with the pure guilt of leaving this kid outside in the dark is not something I want on my psyche.

Another thing I really didn't want on my psyche was shoving the blond against a freaking dumpster; I really hope I didn't cause him to force bitter memories into mind or trigger anything like that. But considering the others reaction, that's probably exactly what the case is.

Guilt hits my belly at fast as the trees around me zoom out of sight. I'm running faster than I initially thought I could, considering I how I usually don't work on speed or agility. But I guess adrenaline is helping a lot.

I quickly look from side to side, even going as far as to look behind me. Bakugou had set off an explosion against my gut, albeit a really small one, it still made a bit of noise that could very well have alerted literally anyone with functioning ears.

But I don't catch site of any sort of living creature. No squirrels, no birds, no humans, definitely no Bakugou Katsuki. Which leads me to believe the blond had actually taken off into the woods as a distraction so he could return back to the cabins without me bothering him. Like he took some ass backwards type of detour. 

Which would make total sense! I mean, yea, he was that one that enacted out little quarrel first, but that totally doesn't matter at all. I really want to be mad here, and trust me, I was at first, but now I just feel incredibly guilty.

Yes, the other has been avoiding me like nothing else the past couple of days (for good reason. I don't expect anyone to look at me the same after making out in a freaking pool a one in the morning), and it's not like I've really been making any sort of effort to communicate with the other until just now. And even then, my attempt ended in crushing the other against a freaking dumpster.

I pant and have to slow down for a second. My eyes are glossy with already forming tears, my muscles are shaking from inactivity and worst of all, my high of adrenaline is coming to a very close end. I have to physically remind myself why I'm trudging through the forest by slapping myself in the face.

With a very rough and jagged huff, I take off running again; starting to really regret my avoidance of cardio activities. Because good gravy my thighs are trembling right now.

I haven't even been avoiding Bakugou for a good reason either. I just can't bring myself to remember the way my uncle would hug me when no one was around and how he's reminded me how fucked up it is for two men to love each other. But lesbians were acceptable of course, because that makes  complete sense.

I feel my guts and organs tighten at the mention of my beloved uncle and I end up sobbing more than I had ever intended for the day. I'll tell you one thing, crying while running is not as easy as it's shown in slice of life animes.

And Also I'm Really Scared 「kiribaku fic with deaf Bakugou au」Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora