Chapter Fourteen

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Kirishima's POV

I should not have stayed up that late, goodness what was I thinking. I'm so tired I can actually feel my brain right now. My eyes feel like there's three-pound weights attached to them. And if my momma hadn't taught me better, I would've talked back to the counselor about being up this morning.

I never got to enact my plan with Bakugou last night, but I swear I'll start on it tonight. Plus, it's nice to have spent time with some of the other cabin members. I missed hanging out with some of my other classmates. Admittedly, I've even missed the company of Mineta. Not much though.

Tonight though, I'll put my plan into action! I feel like I've made you wait long enough to know what it is that I have planned. Suspense is key to a good story though!

Anyways you've probably already guessed that its night swimming. That's really all I have planned. I'm still sort of proud of the idea anyways. Sneaking out like that night we shared a smoke and trekking out to the pool. I really hope he enjoys it!

Its only lunch time right now, but, I'm absolutely psyched about sneaking out with the blond. I'm almost shaking with excitement as I practically eat handfuls of French fries at a time. Man, who would've guessed that fried potatoes would taste this good.

Bakugou is sitting across from me, flashing an incredibly disgusted look my way. I can't blame him, but man, these fries are probably the best thing I've eaten all week. Plus, my mind has been running so crazy lately that my appetite has been kinda poor.

"You don't have t-" The blond shoves his portion of fries onto my plate before I could protest.

"Sod off, I freaking hate potatoes."

"Ho w???" I stare at him in disbelief. "How could you not like potatoes?? They've done so much for the food industry!"

He stares at me for a second, probably trying to figure out what I just said. "They're freaking gross!" He growls at me and rolls his eyes.

"I mean, I'm not complaining about how you're willing to share but... How can you not like potatoes??"

"Oh my god, just take them!"

I decide not to argue. The blond is even more sleep deprived than me, and I'm really tempted to sneak him into the bathroom for a quick cat nap. Because we're only going to be staying up later tonight because of my grand plan!

I glance at the other every now-and-then. He's just so pretty, y'know? I haven't exactly had much time to confront these feelings that I have for him lately. I know it sounds wimpish and that I'm taking the easy way out, but I kind of want to just ignore the flutters in my stomach and just keep being homies with this pretty guy.

Although I can practically hear Kaminari scolding me and saying that ignoring your feelings will only make them double. I really hope this isn't the case, because that will certainly leave a mark on Bakugou and I's relationship.

But dang, I really could just crawl across the table and leave little kisses on the other's cheeks and his forehead. Just small pecks as I cup his jaw softly. He'd either freak out and shove me away, or scrunch into himself and make cute noises that are a mix of embarrassment and enjoyment.

The thought alone makes the butterflies in my tummy go wild and start fluttering all over the place. Wait, I'm staring at the other too much, like almost creepily too much. Look away and pretend that didn't happen because it one hundred percent didn't ahahaha.

There's a soft nudge at my foot. Which of course startles me. I just got caught staring at one of my best bros. The mentioned best bro having most likely caught me staring like a little kid in an art museum who just saw a willy for the first time.

And Also I'm Really Scared 「kiribaku fic with deaf Bakugou au」Where stories live. Discover now