Chapter Seven

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Bakugou's POV

I respect Todoroki. He's polite and... I guess I can relate with him, its, uh, enjoyable to joke around about sore subjects. Will I say that aloud? Absolutely not, never, not once in a blue Todoroki moon brought to you by Horikoshi him freaking self.

"I'll give you 2000 yen if you let me sleep in you cabin tonight." Todoroki was sprawled out onto Kirishima's bed.

"Why?" No, seriously. Why?

"I share a room with Mineta."

"p FFT, must suck to be you." I laugh tauntingly. "Just switch with another poor guy."

"You say that like it's easy." Todoroki groans into my roommates' pillow.

It's been at least two hours since I made a run from the cafeteria. The groups must be doing indoor games or something. Glad I left when I did, the sketching skit or whatever was annoying enough. I just want to get to the hero related activities.

Yet here I am, making girl talk with Shouto freaking Todoroki. I can't tell which of the two pastimes I'd rather be doing right now.

I don't mind half n' half. Ever since our provisional license classes, we've grown a bit. When I say bit, I mean half a millimeter. There's some sort of stupid bond between us; but don't call it a bond, that makes it sound gay.

Which we both are but not together. Definitely not together, please don't put that thought in my head.

"How's Inasa?" I mumble. "Bet its tough dating a dude who goes to another school."

"It's fine. My father likes him." Todoroki looks up from his phone. "Is it Kirishima or Midoriya this time?"

I grumble and sit up again, criss cross applesauce hands in the basket style. But not in a nerdy looking way. "Kirishima. Midoriya is pining after round face again, I'm starting to doubt his bisexuality."

"Pffft, haha." Todoroki chuckles knowingly. "Right. You should make a move. Last I heard, he's interested in Mina." I have to look directly at Todoroki's mouth in order to understand what he's saying. Every now and then I ask him to repeat something or speak up.

"Ew." I grimace and try looking Todoroki in the eye. Eye, singular. He can't see out of his left eye. Unsurprisingly, he never came out and told me about what happened with his mom, he knows I overheard him and Deku at the sports festival.

"Which part is ew? Him dating Mina or you having to make a move."


Todoroki snorts before darting his vision towards the door. I look over as well, assuming he heard a sound, something I wish I could do. It's Kirishima.

"Haha, speak of the devil, I was just talking to Bakugou about y-" Todoroki starts, and I can't tell what he's about to say, which makes me very uneasy. Especially since we just conversed about my feelings towards dumb hair. I cut him off by throwing my All Might plush at him.

"Y-You're back late." Acting panicky is not in my characters personality. And stuttering is definitely not in my personality traits. But when Todoroki is about to become another war criminal on my list, I've got to act out somehow.

'Late?' He signs sloppily. It gives me heartburn. "Why's Todo here?" I was able to catch a little of what he said. It sounds muffled and distanced.

"Babysitter." Icyhot tosses my plush back. "I gotta clock out though. Bakugou wants me to have a sleepover with you two-" I'm not exactly sure what the last part he said was; he slides out of the room quickly though. Which leads to suspicion.

And Also I'm Really Scared 「kiribaku fic with deaf Bakugou au」Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя