Chapter Seventeen

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Kirishima's POV

Okay so uh, one minute we're laughing and splashing each other and completely ignoring how there's a good possibility that someone could find us right now and completely destroy my squeaky-clean record, and the next I'm pushing my tongue down the others throat and ignoring the world around us.

Okay hold on, rewind and possibly change the point of view a little later down the chapter for suspense reasons. I can't rush this chapter man, I've gotta space the descriptions just right and lets the words age like a fine wine bro.

The night was perfect. Like, the sky was clear, and stars were twinkling delightfully. You could hear the frogs singing their groanful song in hopes of finding a cute frog gf. Cicadas are screaming their wonderful hearts out as a beautiful wind croons my eardrums. Do cicadas even have hearts? Not important-

The soft crunch of our feet against dead leaves and gravel was freaking music to my ears. Not to mention how wonderful it felt to walk this close to my best bro. I could practically feel the warmth from him, even with a good couple of inches distancing us. I mean, I know he's a naturally hot, I mean, warm individual. But uh, man, he is, yea. Very warm.

Moving alone, the pool lights were still on. Silhouetting the blueness of the water. Dang man, the whole aura and scenery looked like something straight out of a teen romance movie where the two love interests sneak out to go swimming. Wait a second-

Haha let's put that thought aside and most definitely not think about the relentless urge to pull Bakugou to the side of the pool and give him a full hearted smooch while forgetting the fact that we are out late when we really shouldn't be and oh my god was that crunch of leaves an animal or a security guard?

Okay, okay. Not going to think about it. Nope, not at all! How the hell is Bakugou keeping his composure right now? I'm literally one misplaced tiptoe away from chopping off both of my feet and teaching myself to fly! Maybe Bakubro wants to get caught? I mean that doesn't make any sense at all knowing this guys track record, but he's so calm right now and it's really not like him to agree to my shenanigans.

Our hands keep brushing and I'm really close to just grabbing his. But trying to keep track of the world around us and any guards that may or may not actually exist while also having an extremely heart throbbing bro moment with my bro who I may or may not see as more than a bro sounds like an existential nightmare if I'm being honest. Not that holding his hand would be a nightmare its just keeping up with other stuff while also- ugh nevermind.

Once close enough to the pool I practically skip towards it like a five-year-old in Disneyland who sees a photo op with their favorite fictional character. Then I realize I'm trekking along without my bro, so I run back to grab his hand and pull him towards the pool.

This is where I messed up royally. My footing was misplaced by a landslide and apparently, I had gotten far too close to the pool. Like, foot hanging off the edge and about to plummet into the pool too close. And luckily enough, I had put all of my weight (and trust) into that step.

So uh, sploosh, I guess. Nothing wrong with falling into a freezing cold pool while the entire exterior is already chilly, while being fully clothed. Yea, great, fun times man, fun times.

I surface from the water my stomach works up something unfathomable to the human language as I catch my swim partner undressing. I mean, he's not undressing completely, just the shirt and sweatpants. But c'mon man, you can't tell me you wouldn't check out your half naked possible crush if given the chance.

And Also I'm Really Scared 「kiribaku fic with deaf Bakugou au」Where stories live. Discover now