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                                            "They show no mercy so why should I?"


Nickname: Ghost

Birth Place: [REDACTED]

Birth Date: [REDACTED]


      -Mother: [REDACTED] (Deceased)

      -Father: [REDACTED] (Deceased)

                                                Psychological Report

            Has been observed by Rainbow Operators violently shaking during his missions letting out a scream and pressing a button on his wrist, following the button press, the lights go out and all the White Masks are then laying dead with their throats slit. Ghost appears to be a very fast and silent person possibly outrunning Ash and Caveira. His skill is remarkable, having better capabilities than even the most elite operators and special forces units despite having no past military or law enforcement experience or training.


        Ghost can speak ten languages according to the notes he left he can speak English, Latin, Russian, German, Dutch, Polish, Spanish, French, Korean, and Portuguese.Ghost has only ever been observed speaking twice. Both times he spoke were before he decapitated a White Mask captain. His words were "You show no mercy, so why should I?" and his second time being observed he said "I fight for my family." Ghost has been observed to be extremely brutal during his interrogations of White Masks. His interrogation style has been heard of and admired by hundreds worldwide.

WARNING  TO ALL OPERATORS: If you encounter Ghost on a mission do NOT approach him or alert him of your presence. Ghost is known to be a very determined person on his missions killing anyone who gets in his way apart from civilians and law enforcement officers.

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