Taylor an alex stood with the other lads listening to coach *alright lads split yourself in to two teams Taylor an Alex captains pick your players*, both the boys picked there team mates coach knew what he was doing he was putting the two strongest players against one an other to help get the squad in to shape for next weeks game both alex an taylor looked at one an other giving a sign that for right now they are opposites both lads shook hands as a sign of respect both teams getting in to position ready to listen to coach *I want a nice clean friendly game this is to get you in to practice for next week's game now lets play some ball* coach blew his whistle an the friendly game began, after good clean friendly game coach was happy with the progress that they had made feelinh more confident that the game next week would be ok calling the squad in he told them the time an date for next weeks game along with telling them that he likes what he see on the pitch tonight after a quick warm down the boys was free to leave training taylor walked slowly over to scarlet sitting in between her legs he took off his muddy boots banging them off to take the mud off he looked at scarlet with tired eyes laying his head in her lap a sign he was exhausted an just wants to cuddle up an sleep scarlet ran her fingers through his sweaty hair *you need a bath baby you stink* taylor groaned *mm no I need sleep im too tired* scarlet rolled her eyes leaona looked at taylor *so too tired for a milkshake then?* taylors eyes an head snapped up *well i mean if there is one going then I guess no I could stay awake for that* lauren looked at leona an smirked knowing full well that taylor can not deny a milkshake no matter how tired he is they all set off to leonas for milkshakes before going home the girls texted telling them they was home an would see then when back after a short drive they made it to the diner leona got to work at making the milkshakes.

Leona brought out the milkshakes placing them on the table she sat down next to the others all sipping the refreshing ice cold milkshakes why talking between themselves taylor was a little quiet he laid his head down on the table clearly exhausted from football training he let the others talk not really paying attention all he wanted to do was sleep but not until he finishes his milkshake lauren looked at taylor a smiled rubbing his head she spoke softly towards him *taylor you still with us* taylor gave lauren a thumbs up showing he was still there an not asleep too tired to talk alright i think we have a very tired taylor on our hands scarlet looked at lauren then down to taylor yeah definitely have a tired man on my hands after spending half an hour with leona they said there goodbyes an parted there ways all three of them getting in to the car together, short journey home they finally made it back to the house taylor went straight to the shower giving himself time to finally get clean and hopefully ready for bed taylor thought to himself the quicker he gets ready the quicker he can get in to bed after getting out the shower taylor got changed in to some comfy joggers (sweatpants) pulling them on he made his way downstairs his hair slightly damp still from his shower, taylor found the girls in the lounge walking towrds scarlet he wrapped his arms around scarlets waste laying his head on her chest all the girls laughed *hi taylor how was training* taylor gave them a thumbs up an a slight mumble *mm it was OK coach is a freaking dick* scarlet rolled her eyes tasha looked at scarlet slightly confused along with ally an gabby lauren cleared her throat *taylor an Alex had to do 8 more sprints then the others for messing around* tasha laughed an so did the others what do you expect tay you mess around you do sprints thought you would of learend that one* taylor rolled his eyes yeah well still 8 more then the others so not fair, taylor could feel his eye lids closing enjoying holding scarlet an her holding him, the soft voices of the girls talking pulling him in to a peaceful sleep, scarlet could feel taylor becoming dead weight on her chuckling to herself she continued to run her hands through his hair smiling down at the man she loves she knew all to well that taylor was asleep.

*looks like taylor is asleep* scarlet nodded at ally *yeah busy day for him an its only 8:45pm so even when big he clearly can't make it up late* taylor pulled scarlet closer to him in his sleep scarlet held him back tighter hoping he would relax a little more *hey scar why don't you send him up to bed he surly can't be comfy?* scarlet looked at ally I would but he has me pinned to him also he will refuse without me by his side big taylor an little taylor are very different little taylor will go up no problem but might come down now an then big taylor well he won't settle till he knows everything is locked up as well as me being by his side* taylor was in an out of sleep hearing drifts an drabs of the conversation *mm comfy not tired* lauren chuckled an rolled her eyes gabby smirked so he is half awake clearly or unless he is talking in his sleep? Taylor does talk in his sleep you can have a full conversation with him in his sleep, mmm shh you girls talk to much taylor out scarlet rolled her eyes babe go to bed i will be up soon taylor shook his head see this is why I don't bother lauren stepped in taylor go to bed bud I will make sure everyone is settled an doors are locked etc OK taylor sighed he sat up looking at everyone he nodded his head alright alright you all win taylor looked at scarlet you gonna be alright if I go up to bed scarlet sighed

Taylor baby i wouldn't of said it if I didn't think I wouldn't be alright now go to bed baby you are exhausted taylor nodded alright gonna get a drink an then i will go up you want one? Scarlet smiled yeah babe water will be fine taylor nodded his head standing up he stretched an lost his balance scarlet held his waist to steady him chuckling a little yeah you are 100% exhausted taylor noded his head he made his way to the kitchen grabbing two water bottles out the fridge bringing one to scarlet he leaned down to scarlet an smiled placing his hand above her head to steady himself on the back of the couch leaning down he kissed her head here babe handing her the water she accepted it thanks handsome taylor smiled no worries beautiful scarlet looked up at taylor he smiled down at her giving her a few passionate kisses an cuddle goodnight algight baby i will see you when you come up beautiful scarlet nodded you will do with a few more kisses taylor said his goodnights to the other girls they all said goodnight back taylor stood in the doorway lauren looked at taylor an he looked at her *they will be fine taylor go to sleep* taylor nodded alright anything happens come get me lauren sighed I will do now go knowing full well if she disagrees taylor won't go up scarlet looked at taylor in the door way smiling go on baby i promise I won't be long handsome with that being said taylor gave lauren a cuddle goodnight an made his way up to bed waiting for his queen to get in next to him soon.

Tasha spoke up so he still does that then refuses to go up to bed when out of headspace before you, scarlet smiled yeah he sure does its a comfort thing I think for him he tries so hard to stay awake when out of headspace he dosent like to go up without me or before me an lauren he likes to know everything is locked up sometimes I will go up with him an when we lay in bed he will ask if the door is locked an that he locked it so I have to reasure him that he did then he asks if lauren is in bed we just say yes so he dosent get out of bed an go sit with her till she goes to bed he just likes to know that we are safe an ok he is really protective of us both so you all might want to get use to it when we all move in with one an other soon, ally smiled well i think its cute he is a gentleman anyway what is going on with the security ally turned the conversation to tasha I didn't want to say anything in front of taylor you know how worked up he gets security is being put in place at the new place cameras all around the house an there will be a car with 2 people in watching out for you all they will be in a unmarked car will introduce you all to them when the move happens scarlet nodded alright thank you tasha means a lot no problem dear lauren sighed so how long will this be going on for tasha sighed probably until ruby backs down speaking off she has been quiet anyone had anything from her all the girls shook there heads no we haven't what about taylor scarlet grabbed taylors phone an looked at the messages nope nothing hopefully she will leave it like that but only time will tell dont really want taylor going to school because of her maybe online classes would be better for him, yeah true but this is taylor maybe we can see how he goes i will take him an pick him up give it a month an see what happens tasha nodded alright no problem does alex go to the same school as taylor lauren shook her head no he don't maybe we could get him in to the school alex goes too, scarlet smiled yeah maybe see what he wants to do i think taylor has just had enough an wants to work but will talk to him about it after the move he has sometime off for the moment. With that being said all the girls grew tired they said there goodnights an made there way to sleep, scarlet made her way up the stairs opening the bedroom door she noticed the bedside lamp was on a clear sign taylor left it on for her taylor was laid flat on his back sound asleep scarlet got undressed an got in to bed sliding in next to taylor turning the lamp off she laid on taylors chest he instantly wrapped his arms tightly around her goodnight beautiful I love you scarlet smiled kissing his lips she laid back down goodnight baby i love you too handsome the couple happily sleeping peacefully together.

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