chapter 11

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*** Sweetheart you are the best thing that has happened to me I love you, I want us to grow old together

*** "blush" aww darling I never forget the first time we met. I love you too, nothing can ever separate the both of us or else death, do you remember the first day we met

*** Yes dear I can never forget that day, The every day you walk into my office it was love at first sight

*** Thank you for not giving up on me when I was playing hard to get those time, that very day I saw you I fell in love with you but I didn't want to look cheap in your eyes

*** Really, why are you telling me now, you suffered me a lot

*** Because today is our anniversary so I want to confess all my sins to you

*** "Yvette walks in" Mom Dad happy anniversary I prepared a special gift for you and Dad "hand it over to them"

*** Thank you so much dear for the gift

*** Mom you don't have to thank me, I should be the one to thank you for coming into my dad's life and for being a good mother to me

*** Yes Brenda she's right, thanks for being in my life And for making me and my daughter feel at home and also making me feel complete. I promise you from this day henceforth, I will give veronica and Yvette the best love a father can give.

*** Dad are you guys throwing a party 

*** Yes, of course, a small party for all the members of this house so go inform everyone

*** okay dad

Yvette POV
I'm going to carry out my plan today, Daniel is going to leave this house.

*** Daniel what are doing in my room Mom dad please save me "screaming"

(Rodriguez, Brenda,  Veronica, and Lucy rush in)

*** Daniel what are you doing in my daughter's room half naked

*** Dad he tried to rape me if I didn't shout for help I would have been raped

*** sir, that's not what it meant I didn't try to take advantage of your daughter I could never do that. I was feeling dizzy, I went to my room just to realize  I was in her room, I must have mistaken the room.

*** " slap him" How could you do this to me I trusted you and you pay me back by trying to rape my daughter

*** Sir I could never think of that.

*** You know what you are going to take responsibility for your actions, you're going to marry my daughter

*** What! Dad, I don't love him, I can't marry him. Please dad reconsider

*** No what I said is final he tried to dishonor you I can't let my daughter lose face do you know how it's going to tarnish my image when it goes out to the world. The senator's daughter was was was was was almost raped by her dad's bodyguard.
*** But dad...

*** There's no but, my word is final.

*** Dad, Yvette's can't marry Daniel I am never going to allow that, I love Daniel and hemline

*** Veronica you don't have any say here my decision is final I'm out of here Brenda let's go to bed tomorrow we will start the preparation for  the wedding " they both left"

*** Daniel I'm so disappointed how could you do this to my best friend I even have to put on a good word for you, if I knew you were like this I wouldn't do that

*** Lucy trust me I could never do this

*** How could you prove your innocent we saw you have naked and on top of her and in her room I don't have much to say to you Yvette I'm leaving now talk to you tomorrow "left"

*** Yvette I know this is all your plan to get him for yourself I hate you " left too"

*** "faced her" let finish what we started

*** Daniel what are you saying

*** I knew you plan all this, after drinking the drink you gave me I started feeling dizzy. It was all your plan, I'm going to rape you so what you claim will be true

*** "scared" No don't come near me you can't do this.

*** oh are you scared now "started laughing" I can never stoup so low, if I want to make a plan I can never use myself as bait don't be afraid dear I will never touch you but I promise you this, you'll be the one to give yourself to me " left"

*** I would never do that, never!!!

Yvette POV
Why is my heart beating so fast, I just wanted him to leave this house not for me to marry him what have I gotten myself into

Today he's going to leave this house all I need to do is put this drug that's going to make him dizzy and give him to drink then change his room number to mine and his to mine. after he enters my room I'll change it back before I enter my room, I know before he goes to bed he will enter the bathroom before he comes to the bed. Such a perfect plan

*** Daniel we have become  good friends I would like  to toast a drink to you as being friends and also for my parents anniversary

*** "collected the cup" Thank you

Daniel POV
I just find this odd, is she planning anything. I don't think so we have been getting along so why will she plan evil against me, I will just accept the drink

Yvette POV
"Smiled" He's finally drinking it very soon my plan will start let me excuse myself to do the remaining plan

*** Daniel I would leave you now I need to go to bed, I have had a lot of drinks

*** OK sure thanks for the drink

*** You don't need to thank me, see  you tomorrow then bye

Yvette POV
I didn't know my plan will end up making me get married, all my dreams of having a prince charming will all go in vain. no, I need to go see dad and beg him to change his mind, I need to go right now. I won't let Daniel Martins win against me.

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