Chapter 35

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Elizabeth pov
The doorbell rang I went to open it up, I saw the delivery guy standing in front of the doorstep. Is this Daniel Martinez's resident?


He has a package, sign here so I can hand it over to you.

Okay, I said and signed and he gave me the package. What could be inside here, I was about to open it when Daniel popped out from nowhere scaring the shit out of me.

You have a package, I said handing it over to him.

A package, he asked confused, I didn't order anything online, talking of order have you seen my phone?

No, have you checked your room


Did you give it out?

Now I remember,  Veronica asked to borrow, Maybe she must have ordered something online with my credit card no wonder this package is here.

I don't think so, see Your name is written, I said showing him his name boldly written on It, It must be for you, why not open it and see what's inside if it's not yours, You return it to her.

You're right, it will cost me nothing to see what's about.

I watched him unwrap it, as a disk came in sight. A disk we both said. Why don't we watch it and see what movie it is?

Did I hear anyone say the movie, Hunter came into sight?

Yes, we just unwrapped a package, maybe probably ordered by Veronica.

She won't mind if we watch before her, Hunter said.

I'm in support, I raise my hand.

Settled then, let's see what's it all about, Daniel said.

We both sat on the seat while Daniel inserted the disk into the disk player and came back to join us.  As the film started we all gasped in horror as we saw Veronica on the TV screen making out with a stranger. Daniel turned off the TV to avoid watching more of it,  I turned to face him, and I could see the pain in his eyes as he forced himself to cry.
I can't believe that witch could do such a thing to my brother, I thought she said she loved him, I said as Hunter closed my mouth signaling me to shut up and that someone was coming.

What's going on here why is everyone's face pale, I heard that witch's voice.

You want to know, Daniel said in tears as he turned on the TV.

She almost collapsed on the floor as she saw her shameless act on the TV.

I can explain, she said as she approached Daniel.

Explain what, the fact you're making out with another man, he said In tears.

Daniel, it's not what it seems she said in tears.

Don't listen to that disgusting bitch, I said, gosh I feel like throwing up now.

I don't want to ever you,  just leave.

I am not going anywhere,  she changes attitude.

She got some liver, I don't know why he's having some word with her instead of throwing her out.

What if I sleep with another man, Weren't you sleeping with another lady that she even bore you a child?

She's my wife for crying out loud.

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